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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

December 09, 2012

It's Only A Matter of Time

'I ain't gonna cry no
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably you'll be back again
Cause ya know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no'

- Always be My Baby, David Cook

One of my favourite songs, and will always be. 

I just don't want the story behind this song to repeat again

December 02, 2012


My last update was in August?! Seriesli saya rindu nak berblogging :-( Entah macam mana sekarang dah macam tak banyak idea nak tulis apa, takda life mungkin? I iz sad. 

Masih ada ke orang nak baca blog ni? *bergema*

Sepanjang aku tak hapdet blog ni, macam-macam juga lah yang berlaku, dan sekarang dah masuk degree dah pun hihi. Degree part 4 agak boring, dan aku rasa akan boring untuk semester2 yang seterusnya. Feel dia lain dengan waktu belajar time diploma, enjoy lagi even banyak esaimen. The most recent thing that happened was my diploma graduation!! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 

Dapat juga snap sehelai dua gambar disebabkan terlalu rimas dengan kepadatan manusia dekat luar dewan. Gambar studio pun tak ambik heuheu, maybe next time bila degree pula :-) Thanks juga kepada yang bagi bunga haha me like and me love 'em!

Untuk sekarang itulah kot yang aku nak apdet, ya Allah takda ilham langsung. Bye!

(curi gambar Sarah)
Classmates untuk degree part 4!

August 01, 2012




July 10, 2012

tuesdays with morrie by Mitch Albom

I love to read...or I don't. I love to read..but when I have the mood to read hihi. And this book I'm about to share its quotes is recommended by my friend, and it was a very inspiring and a heartwarming story. And thin, too. So tak adalah keberatan nak baca kekekeke. This book is about the author's old professor which suffered ALS (tak ingat nama panjangnya) and was dying. Eventhough he suffered a terrible disease, he had this wonderful stories about life, how he coped with his sickness, how he faced life with such humble. To the author, he was his teacher =)

Here are some quotes. Since aku jarang membaca, bila sekali rasa nak membaca and found out that buku ni adalah best dan patut dibaca oleh awak-awak jugak hee. Tak tebal nipis je :p 

1. “The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”

2. “If you hold back on the emotions--if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them--you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your heard even, you experience them fully and completely.”

3. “Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do somehing else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted.”

4. "Wherever I went in my life, I met people wanting to gobble up something new. Gobble up a new car. Gobble up a new piece of property. Gobble up the latest toy. And then they wanted to tell you about it. 'Guess what I got? Guess what I got?'
You know how I interpreted that? These were people so hungry for love that they were accepting substitutes. They were embracing material things and expecting a sort of hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship."
"Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness. I can tell you, as I'm sitting here dying, when you most need it, neither money nor power will give you the feeling you're looking for, no matter how much of them you have.”

5. “The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn’t the family. If you don’t have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don’t have much at all. Love is so supremely important. As our great poet Auden said, ‘Love each other or perish’.” 

6. “Take any emotion—love for a woman, or grief for a loved one, or what I’m going through, fear and pain from a deadly illness. If you hold back on the emotions—if you don’t allow yourself to go all the way through them—you can never get to being detached, you’re too busy being afraid. You’re afraid of the pain, you’re afraid of the grief. You’re afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. “But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. You know what pain is. You know what love is. You know what grief is. And only then can you say, ‘All right. I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment’.”

We all need a good teacher in life =) Who's/what's your teacher?

Pre Grad Dinner 2012

Nak apdet lama dah, tapi biasalah.. Kekekeke. Ini adalah apdet pasal Pre Grad Dinner sabtu lepas punya lepas. Jujur sejujur jujurnyaaaaaaaaaaa masa awal-awal tak bersemangat pun nak pergi. Baju semua tak cari pun, tapi sebab Sarah naak sangat pergi so kita pun OK la :p Hehehehe, a few days before dinner baru lah terhegeh-hegeh takda handbag pouch lah hape. So that night, I went dengan simple gila punya baju and yang lain mostly sponsored by Ibu. :P She saved my life haha. 

What I could conclude from this event is....IT WAS AWESOME =D Mostly because I didn't expect anything like the flashmob which was very cool and surprised me, aww. And the performances also, menghiburkan =3 It was totally a night to remember, siapa yang tak datang rugi jugak kot sebenarnya? Rugi sikit la sebab it was a dinner untuk batch kita before graduation Diploma :') And everyone else were sho pwetty with dresses and all, auuuu! 

Here's the pictures, curi dari photographer2 ya? Hihi

July 06, 2012

It's me being my, myself and I. Sometimes I hate it when I want to tell everything, just everything that I think needed to be expressed, to voice out what I really want to say, but it ended up with silence. Less words, many things still running through my mind, but as much as I hate it, I still can't change it.

Do you really want to hear what I feel? Can you bear with all the things I;m going to say, bursting out everything that has been kept for a long time and expressing the screams of my heart?

Can you bear it?

When I thought that I'm going to spill everything and even explaining every single details that I wanted you to hear, to digest and just be silent while I'm expressing the feelings and words that have been locked in my heart, the moment I open my mouth, everything that I thought I wanted to say, disappeared.

Putting aside small yet important things that I should've expressed, I become numb.

June 29, 2012

June 07, 2012

Nak ke tandas pun macam-macam cerita

Padah bila dekat Petronas yang kecik tandas dia pun kecik, ada satu je. Satu untuk lelaki, satu untuk perempuan. Saya dan Ibu saya nak ke tandas, nak masuk tandas perempuan tu, tetiba ada lelaki berdehem. 'EHEMMM' atau bunyi lain la tapi yang pasti suara lelaki, garau betoi. Ibu dan saya saling berpandangan, mungkin lelaki tu tak tahan sangat so kena la guna tanda perempuan, sebab tandas lelaki yang satu tu ada orang lain. Ok tunggu lah sekejap.

Aik, lima minit sudah. Orang yang dekat tandas lelaki pun dah bertukar-tukar orang. Bunyi paip pun takda. Kuikui, takpalah mungkin urusan yang sangat penting, takpelah. 

Sekali datang seorang lelaki hemsem, tunggu turn nak masuk tandas, tunggu punya tunggu lepas tu lelaki hemsem tu berkata 'OIII KELUAR LAAAAAAAAA' Orang tu pun keluar, 

'Aik, mana *insert nama rakan dia di sini*?' Aku dan Ibu saling berpandangan. 

Lelaki hemsem cakap dekat kami 'Oh saya ingat tadi kawan saya, tu saya saja suruh dia keluar, tengok tengok yang keluar orang lain. Hihihihi *malu*' Rupanya kawan dia tu ada dalam tandas perempuan yang dari tadi tak keluar-keluar tu. Oh. 

Selesai urusan lelaki hemsem, dia pun beredar. Kawannya yang satu ni la yang tak keluar-keluar lagi. Kadang-kadang ada bunyi paip tu. Mungkin memang penting urusannya hihi. Takpelah.

Tunggu punya tunggu, dari celah mana datang seorang.....wanita bersiul dan ceri menyanyi2 dengan rambutnya yang menggerbang, pun nak masuk toilet jugak. Aku tahu dia bukan wanita pure sebab dia pergi jenguk tandas lelaki penuh ke tak... Bila tengok tandas lelaki occupied, Sambil bersiul2 dia pergi dekat cermin dekat tandas perempuan dan touch up sikit2. Keluar tandas pun bersiul dan menyanyi sambil senyum dekat saya. Err, senyumlah balik tapi dalam keadaan kenpius. Hepi kemain 'wanita' itu. 

Selepas bergilir-gilir kaum lelaki keluar masuk tandas, akhirnya dengarlah bunyi orang nak bukak pintu dari tandas perempuan tu. Akhirnya dia keluar. Saya dan Ibu mengagak bahawa mungkin dia malu untuk keluar sebab dengar suara perempuan ke apa, so kami beredar jauh sikit dari tandas tu, biar dia keluar dengan aman. 

Barulah nampak kelibat seorang lelaki keluar dari tandas tu. Setelah bermacam-macam iklan saya dan Ibu tengok. Masuk-masuk tandas nampak iklan jugak $*(!#)%&* 

Cuci tak bersih ke apa. Siot betul.

Sekian cerita pendek saya, menulis sementara menunggu Ibu dan Ayah bersiap. Nak keluar. Kuikui

Bye, salam.

Apasal aku rasa useless gila ah? 

Feveret gai (Favourite Guy)

'I've lied,
If i've told you how I felt
There's no words that could reveal'
- The Daylights Happy

7 Jun 1992, my favourite guy's birthday. Yes memang selalu aku lupa tarikh tarikh spesel orang termasuk tarikh lahir diorang, tapi sebab dia favourite guy aku, the only favourite football player, aku ingat juga kekeke. Itu pun lambat hampir setengah jam, maaf pun macam tak guna dah. Hehe, tapi nak mintak maaf jugak.

This guy, I see he has a big vision. Macam kita semua, mungkin belum nampak future yang jelas tapi  we have something that we want to achieve, we will achieve, we should achieve. His determination, I can see it. =) Untuk mudah berputus asa, bukanlah dia. Untuk mencapai sesuatu yang dimahukan, itu adalah dia. At times, I pray that I could be as strong as him, to not easily get down, to not be easily disappointed at something that we expect too much from, to not just sit there and do nothing, to look forward and think of something that could be improved and learn from mistakes. Mistakes by mistakes, disappointments and discouragement, I once pray that I have the spirit like he has. Yet it hurts to see when he's down and I'm not able to help him with anything that I should do, to let him heal by himself and be stronger than before on the next day. 

(Omputih siot)

Satu lagi, aku percaya dia akan berjaya to be a good man, with/without aku, pasti dia boleh satu hari nanti. Sebab aku nampak semangat dia, semangat untuk improve and be a better person. Lagi, he's a good brother and a good family member. It touches me to see that he really pentingkan keluarga and it made me realize that I'm not doing enough for my family as he is. Taking care of each family member, be strong for them, and always be there for them. (cerita pasal keluarga aku memang lemah) Because semua tu made me think that I should work hard too, for my family.

Secara tak langsung he motivates me, mungkin boleh jadi motivator aku. Kikiki, sebab Im not good with words, and I don't know how to express what I feel, tapi he could find the right words to make me feel semangat again. One thing that is important, this favourite guy of mine could see me like no one else could. Setinggi mana aku bina dinding supaya tidak dibolosi oleh orang lain, dia berjaya. 

Hey feveret gai (favourite guy) terima kasih atas segala kata-kata semangat mahupun kata-kata perlian (dia pro bab ni) atau kata-kata pedas (-.-) anda. Mungkin sometimes I act like I don't listen, but each and every time that words made me feel like I should do better next time. Maybe I don't have any improvement on myself (sigh), but I know you have. 

Because each and every day, I start to believe more in you. 

Bak kata Go Mi Nam dalam cerita You're Beautiful (Ha'ah korea sebab cuti ni memang tu kerja aku wakaka) 'Thanks for being born' Tuhan jadikan kita bersebab, untuk jadi khalifah yang baik di muka bumi ini. Untuk jadi orang baik-baik. 

Selamat hari jadi yang ke dua puluh, walaupun I wished agak lambat, and made you feel disappointed even you're not admitting it. Sebab aku tak ada good words to confront people, so I wrote this. Moga usia awak yang dua puluh ini menjadikan awak lebih semangat untuk berusaha menjadi orang yang berguna, orang yang baik baik. Ye memang la anda kata anda gangster, tahu dah. kuikui. May you lead a healthy life, dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur. 

Mungkin boleh juga rajin belajar sikit? Kikikikiki gurau awak. 

Post geli ni boleh jadi lagi panjang, tapi cukup cukup sudah, cukup sampai di sini sajaaaaaaaa *nyanyi* 

If you read this, mintak maaf. Untuk semua. 

To see you happy is my happiness. But Im afraid you're not smiling on your special birthday like this because of me. 

Salam semua! Bye.

'When the visions around you 
Bring tears to your eyes 
And all that surrounds you 
Are secrets and lies 
I'll be your strength 
I'll give you hope 
Keeping your faith when it's gone' 

May 28, 2012


There's a day where everything we do/heard/say make us sad, a feeling that stabs our heart, a pain felt deep inside, don't know where they come from, but our heart just feels so sad. Crazy. Even a simple thing/ a thing that people won't bother, matters so much to us. And I hate that, the feelings developed when something merely happened but I made it a big deal, my heart sank.

Because I lost to even the littlest things I imagined/said/did, I just can't help it
Because I let those bad feelings and bad thoughts to keep appearing in my mind, they just won't go away.

Finally it comes to this, is there any people that trusts me? Anyone that trusted me?

Because now I don't think those people...trust me.

Till the next post, Assalamualaikum

Laptop lagging, takda mood nak blogwalking pun T.T

May 25, 2012

I've been cursed


Rindunyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rindunya rindunya blog :'D Cuti ni baru bukak harini, after two weeks of holidays. Ramai dok tanya bila nak apdet, sian blog ni terbengkalai. One thing about this blog, tak pernah terfikir nak delete pun berbanding dengan Twitter yang banyak kali aku fikir nak deactivate.

Twitter dah jauhkan aku dari blog ni, I express most by tweets..

Sepanjang cuti ni, aku rasa tak ada satu hari pun hari yang produktif -.- Dan aku sangatlah malas nak keluar, faktor paling utama adalah tak ada duit. Kuikui, sekarang melepet je dekat rumah (macam biasa) so tak ada benda nak share sangat selain drama-drama Korea yang aku dah tengok cuti ni, videos of Shinee yang aku tengok dekat youtube, gitar yang aku main tiap-tiap hari, lagu yang dishuffle dekat playlist. Tidur pun aku rasa dah terlebih-lebih, ni bukan revenge time belajar lagi dah, sebab dilanda kebosanan -.-

Aiyoh, I hope this coming two weeks, or maybe weekends je la, ada benda produktif sikit nak buat.

I'll share some stories nanti, bye!

PS : I can't stop browsing Shinee's videos, adorable sangat. Tsk, help.

May 07, 2012

Hi blog saya!!!!! Hi pembaca *krik krik*

K.. bagi menghilangkan ngantuk sebab baca Audit yang..agak seronok ni, I want to post a few pictures, random pictures yang di-capture using my Androidz. Kena rempit sikit, Androidz.

Ok jom lah tengok (nampak tak yang sebenarnya orang yang tulis ni dah takda modal nak apdet pasal apa)

April 25, 2012


Salah satu sebab aku suka browse Korean music videos/pictures. Wahahaha! Therapy ok.

April 24, 2012

It's 2 a.m., I'm still not sleepy and I don't know when I'll go to bed. Since I only have one class tomorrow, I guess it's okay to stay up this late. Ekeke, yes Im in  college doing my intersession. All I can say about intersession is, it is not like what I thought before, totally different. You have more free time yet you get tons of assignments and presentations that needed to be done in a short time. But you'll still have time to watch at least one movie a day like me :p Hiks.

Anyways, I hope I'll do just fine this time, just like my previous semesters.

Since there's nothing more to write about my studies as they are boring to share, I'll stop here.

Haha tak bermakna gila post aku sekarang ni -.-

I wonder where my ideas have gone, it seems like I don't feel like writing and if I do, I would just delete all the things that I wrote. It feels like what I write has no meanings, it's like I'm writing without feeling it (whatever it means) My skills in writing kot? :( I need to improve, I used to love writing but I wonder where the passion go nowadays.

And I miss sketching too :(

I'm changing, and I don't know whether I like it or not.


April 18, 2012

Manusia, tak pernah puas, kan?

We have everything that we need yet we ask for more. 

There are times, we expect something to be what we want them to be

We even expect someone to be what we want them to be, yet we didn't realise, are we good enough for them?

Apa yang kita harapkan terbaik dari orang tu, kita ni dah cukup baik ke? 

'I don't need much, I just need someone who could understand me the way I am' Do we even try understand people? 

'To my future wife/husband, please *insert everything good that you want them to be for you*' Are we confident enough that other people would think us as good as what we want them to be?

April 14, 2012

Kita sentiasa berusaha. 
Usaha kecil mana pun, ianya tetap usaha. 
Usaha untuk menggembirakan keluarga, usaha untuk solat pada awal waktu, usaha untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang lebih baik, bahkan usaha untuk tidak terhangguk hangguk dalam kelas yang terpaling bosan, ianya tetap usaha. 

Kita juga berusaha untuk membuat orang bahagia, menggembirakan hati insan sekeliling.

Pernahkah sampai satu masa itu, rasanya, berbaloikah semua usaha yang kita lakukan untuk masa depan yang tak pasti? 

Betulkah itu semua usaha kita? Cukup atau tidak usaha itu, hasilnya apa? 

Did we even count them as our efforts? 

Karutan yang aku tulis ni, aku pun tak tahu pokok pangkalnya, atas dasar apa aku tulis ni. Cuma tertanya dengan masa depan yang tak pasti. Berbaloikah apa yang kita usahakan ini? 

Akhir kata, percaya saja cerita Tuhan. 

Usaha yang kita mampu

April 06, 2012

Rindunya rindunyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-( Lama sangat tak jenguk sini. Mood in writing pun mana pigi dah. Dulu time awal-awal jadi blogger peh, kalau boleh satu hari tu dua tiga atau mungkin sampai empat entry! Ada je benda nak cerita. Sekarang dah takda idea ke? Huu tak kreatip langsung wa ni. Nak cerita pasal hidup macam boring je pulak sebab aku punya life yang biasa-biasa je. Jangan terkubur dahlah blog ni. Sayang kot.

Well today is Friday, which is lagi dua hari nak masuk kolej balik. Dua hari k. Kejapnya cuti (eleh cuti lama mana pun mesti cakap tak cukup punya kekeke), seminggu ni hm takda benda sangat yang dibuat, duit pun tarak so memang duduk diam-diam dekat rumah. I hope this weekend ada jenjalan situ sana sini dengan family memandangkan adik yang belajar dekat Penang tu nak pulang harini hehe.

Aih, takda benda nak menulis sebenarnya. Saja menyinggah sapu-sapu habuk sikit.


March 19, 2012

Belum Wordless Wednesday, haha. Ni Hungry Monday.


Hi left-handed people!

Pagi-pagi ni mata macam susah sikit nak bukak, tapi kena bangun jugak sebab serba salah bila terfikirkan buku yang belum sentuh tu. Last semester kot! Nak golek-golek atas katil pun kena beragak sekarang, huu. Tadi rasa macam dah tak boleh tahan rasa nak terjun balik atas katil..tapi kalau macam tu aku tewas lah dengan diri sendiri. :( So tadi buat kerja meng-google, google apa?

Characteristics of Left-Handed. Ekekeke curious je.

Here's what I found -

  • About 10% of the world’s population is left-handed. There is a genetic component that determines right versus left-hand dominance, and it’s called the LRRTM1 gene. People with this gene are more likely to be lefties.
  • Leadership. About 66% of American presidents in the last 30 years were left-handed men. Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Fold were all left-handed presidents. Barack Obama and John McCain are both left-handed.
  • Quick thinkers. Studies have shown that lefties are “exceptional.” Australian research shows that left-handed people think more quickly when playing computer games or sports. Left-handed people also tend to earn more money.
  • Sexuality. Research from Canada reveals this interesting quality of left-handed people: they’re more likely to be homosexual.
  • Independence: Some experts believe left-handed people are more independent because they’ve had to get along in a world that’s not made for them. Dr Peters says that lefties are “slightly more resistant to social pressures, to have more of an independent streak.”
  • Adaptability: Canadian research shows that left-handed people are more adaptable than right-handed people. That is, a lefty can use her right hand to do tasks much easier than a righty can use his hand. Left-handed people seem to be able to switch over more easily.
  • Left-handed people have a shorter lifespan than right-handed counterparts. Statistics reveal that left-handed people are more likely to succumb to accident fatalities and other injuries that arise out of a state of 'affliction'. This is mainly due to majority people in the world being right-handed and hence the overall design of utilities being designed to accommodate the majority. Left-Hander Syndrome is a condition that is seen in left-handed people who are forced to write with their right hand; thus causing a mental state of confusion. (Fact tak boleh pergi, Left-handed syndrome?!)

Ni a fews of them lah, for more you can click here and here! Diorang siap ada Left-Handers Club kot?! Dasatnyaaaaaaaaa. 
Oh ya, ramai orang cakap tulisan orang kidal ni selalunya buruk sikit. Aku lah tuuuuu salah sorangnya~
But, I love the fact that I'm left-handed. Heeeeeeeee spesel lah sikit, nak pakai gunting pun susah -_- Peliknya sebab aku main badminton macam biasa, guna tangan kanan.

Eh, apa-apa je lah. Ni buat untuk hilangkan ngantuk je. Must continue studying, hihihi. I have four more papers, and cutiiiiiiiiiiiii! Lepas tu intersesi..k. 

Bye :p 

March 16, 2012


Maaf blog sebab selama ni mengabaikan awak :(


PS - Movie Azura tu tak best. Pi tengok nilai sendiri. Wakakaka

March 04, 2012

Serious thinking

Death is in Allah's hands. Kalau dah sampai ajal, waktu itu lah nyawa kita akan ditarik. Pernah terfikir tak sedang kita bersuka ria atau rasa tak sedap hati tiba-tiba terfikir pasal benda ni? We don't know when is our time, will it be when we're too leka dengan dunia, bergelak tak hingat atau do something useless? Just thinking of that, nowadays I tend to say the Kalimah Syahadah or zikr ke doa-doa yang aku tahu bila terasa something bad will happen or bila tiba-tiba terfikir 'This could be my only chance to say such things before I die'. Yap, that kind of feeling. 

Honestly, I'm still very far from being a good Muslimah, not even close. Yet I'm struggling and it's not an easy thing to do. I know if we try slowly we'll find the right path and now I'm searching for it. Feeling that we'll die without enough Imaan, really scares me not as much as I did before. 

...I'm hoping I'l find the right path, before I go and leave Dunya forever. :)

March 03, 2012

A Night Full of Joy and Laughter

I'm writing again in my blog! Wehuuuuuuuuuu. Itu pun sebab ada benda nak update X)

Now I'm home, for a few days before going back to college. Classes are over and now it's time to focus on final exam which will start on this 14th. Not ready for finals but can't wait for the exams to be over!

Ops. The main point of this entry is to update about a recent event which is the BBQ party. Partayyy ke? Wahaha. Akhirnya berjaya untuk buat satu event dan dapat berkumpul ramai-ramai satu kelas even ada beberapa orang yang tak dapat hadir, huu. All in all, it was a blast and we had fun. Kan? Before nak pergi rumah Naufal pun sangatlah drama, dengan hujan lebat, plan asal tak jadi (plan asal adalah untuk buat di kolej sahaja), kekangan masa dan sebagainya tapi everything went well at the end! I could see the face of joyness in every person, well I hope they enjoyed the night like I did. :)

Untuk cari hari seperti itu lagi, tak tahu bila sebab this is our last sem, intersession ada lagi tapi entah dapat kumpul lagi ke tak. Takpa, ada rezeki boleh buat lagi. We had fun sampai tak sedar dah almost midnight so tak dapat nak buat semua games, gitar dah bawak pun tak sempat nak main. :(

It's okay. Tengok gambar-gambar ni pun nampak yang semua orang hepi! Kenyang dan puasssssss. The food was, UMPHHH. Sodap :D So, macam biasa silalah enjoy the pictures, ada satu dua gambar yang saya curi ya.

Ok kamon!


Acah-acah DJ

Tengok balik gambar ni. Rasa lapar balik. Dapnyeeeeeeeeeee 

Amjad dan adik-adik Naufal! Yang pemalu. Ahaks. 

Muka-muka pantang nampak kamera. Walaupun tengah makan.

Kitorang main game dare jugak. This is one of it, Ad kena melutut depan one guy dan dia pilih Babeng. Woot woot! 'Kau sangat hensem harini' Hahahahahahahaha. Dare yang lain pun osem! Semua orang sporting :D 


Jengket dekat tingkap dapur. Ya bakal surirumah semua sedang menggoreng ayam dan menyediakan makanan. Nyummy! 

Yey, berjaya bergambar dengan adik Naufal yang pemalu. Otomen! 


Berjaya lagi X) Gaya otomen dan gaya apa entah. Tak dapat dikenal pasti

Kenapa bengang sangat muka tu? 

Yeyyyyyyy! We had fun! Seronok! Best!

The End. 


February 23, 2012

Toteli osem!

Guess what happened in 18th Feb haritu? Ok pertama sekali mestilah ada common test, subjek TAX. Frankly speaking aku tak tahu la apa aku rasa lepas jawab common test minggu lepas ekekeke. Hoping for the best, but don't expect too high, yes.

Next thing yang berlaku pada tarikh itu, mestilah pergi tengok Avril Lavigne perform! Dari jaman sekolah kot dengar lagu dia, sampai sekarang. I love most of her songs, or should I say all? Ya nampak la aku kipas-susah-mati dia jugak hehehe hehehehe. Dengar Avril Lavigne nak datang Malaysia terus 'JOMMMMMMMMMMM!' Ha gitu.

Well for me, it didn't start good, but whatever happened that night, it ended well. :) Insiden yang memang menyusahkan hati seorang jejaka ni, nak enjoy konsert pun tak senang. Hee. Untuk performance Avril Lavigne, kena tahu dia bab-bab live ni kureng sikit tapi I still enjoy her performance, lagu pun best-best. :-D

Datang lew lagi. Hikhik. (Kopak la duit)

I'm officially your fan, Avril Lavigne. Ahaks.


Lepas ni dengar cerita Avenged, Evanescence datang Mesia? Wuhuuuuuuuuuu tapi kena tolak tepi lah nampaknya. Malas dah. Hehe

February 21, 2012


Pada tarikh ini dan waktu ini kami sedang menggabungkan dan menyiapkan slide presentation untuk Business Plan esok. Hee. Di sini juga kami telah melahap sate sebanyak 50 batang dan sumbat sekali banjo cheese. Sangat kenyang Alhamdulillah!

Jadi sekarang kena sambung balik. Bai

Nak transfer gambar tapi tak dapat.. :(

So nanti lah kita apdet blog. Rindunya nak menulis hihi.

February 13, 2012

Ya, kita hanya mampu merancang, Tuhan yang menentukan.
Dan itu buat aku sangat takut, adakah apa yang aku rancangkan diredhai dan dimakbulkan oleh Tuhan. 

Kerana kalau tidak, aku pasti jatuh begitu dalam.

February 05, 2012


I'm homeeeeeee! Feels good, minggu-minggu akan datang mungkin tak dapat balik sebab *cough* banyak esaimen dan *cough* test dan *cough* Ya begitulah nampaknya. Apa yang daku harapkan sekarang adalah agar common test dianjakkan ke tarikh yang lebih cantik. Bukan pada 18 Februari ya? Tapi kalau tatap pada 18 Februari, kami-kami ini tatap kental dan pasti ada backup plan yang lain ekekekeke. Tapi please anjak.. :(

So these few days dapat rilek sikit dekat rumah, no classes and such, tapi esaimen pasti ada. Aku rasa semester 4 ni aku bawak homework balik rumah dan buat homework tersebut, walaupun tak siap tapi aku sentuh jugak. Kalau sebelum ni, haremmmmmmmmm. Bawak buku pun tak. Ngee. This last semester memang betul-betul menguji. Sentiasa bizi, lepas setel satu esaimen, datang lagi dua esaimen. Koyak. Tapi I'll survive, fighting! (Korean sangat)

Next story, will be about my beloved laptop. Charger nya telah rosak bulan lepas, aku fikir orang kedai tu dah order kan charger, sekali datang semalam katanya dia tak order pun?! Dan bagi alasan yang aku taktahu betul ke tak, gua dah bagi deposit kot. Y U NO CALL ME EARLIER MAAAAAAAA. Kalau bagitahu boleh lah start cari alternatif lain, cit podah betul. Sabar jelah, hati dah berbelah bagi dah nak beli barang dekat kedai tu lagi since before ni selalunya beli dekat kedai yang sama. Drama gila kan? Tapi mungkin ada hikmahnya charger aku rosak, memandangkan esaimen yang menggunung dan membunuh ni perlu disubmit mengikut dateline, aku tak hirau sangat pasal laptop. Tapi untuk next week & seterusnya, macam perlu pakai banyak laptop je. Nak buat slideshows dengan esaimen LAW etc.. I need strength. Buat masa ni hanya pinjam charger housemate je, terima kasih banyak-banyak Cikcit! Jasamu memang sangat-sangat ku hargai.


Last update before I proceed to my assignment, semalam kawan sekolah Teknik Tuanku Jaafar telah pergi buat selamanya. I was in shocked bila kawan kata he has passed away. Too shocked bila baca dekat Facebook, tak sangka dia pergi sangat cepat. Aku tak rapat dengan dia pun, tapi aku pernah je dengar cerita pasal dia, so it's very surprising bila dapat tahu berita ni. Tengok gambar dia, banyak benda aku fikir, lepas ni takkan dengar cerita lagi, takkan ada berita lagi pasal dia, itu adalah yang terakhir. Gambar-gambar dia, takkan ada lagi yang baru lepas ni. Pertemuan, takkan ada lagi selepas dia pergi selamanya. Kurang satu. Allah sayangkan dia. Sedih. Kalau yang tak rapat pun aku rasa sedih macam ni, I cannot imagine kalau orang yang sangat rapat dan disayangi pergi dulu dari aku. Fuh. Moga arwah ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang yang beriman, daripada Allah kita datang dan kepada Allah juga lah kita kembali. We lost you, schoolmate, but Allah loves you more. :) Takziah buat keluarga Ubai. 

Kadang, kita perlu diingatkan bahawa ajal, maut di tangan Tuhan, bila-bila masa nyawa kita boleh diambil. Dan masa tu, cukupkah semua amalan kita untuk bekalan di Akhirat nanti? hm :'<

Boiboi :)

February 02, 2012

Most times, I don't care about many things. Just face it, or just face it. There is no way we can run from our problems. Most times, I won't let emotions come and control me, those tiring feelings that I have always been able to put them away.

But this time, I lost it. And I hate it.

Apa-apa hal, senyum saja :)

PS - Tak sabarnya nak balik, nak lepak-ing dekat rumah tengok movies @ Running Man (ya, saya layan juga Running Man) dengan keluarga. :) Walau assignments/tests/presentations belambak, rumah tatap nombor satu :p

February 01, 2012

A tough sister I will be, yes!

I have annoying sisters, pain in the ass. But I have to admit that I love each and every one of them :)

January 16, 2012

Alangkah bagus

Alangkah bagus kalau aku ni seorang yang tak suka melengah-lengahkan kerja. Konon nak berazam taknak buat kerja last minute, tapi itu lah yang aku buat. Nak setelkan benda cepat-cepat, tapi still procrastrinate. Ape da..

Alangkah bagus kalau aku bukan jenis yang pengecut. Ya, pengecut. Untuk mengekspres apa yang aku rasa, apa yang aku fikir. Untuk luahkan sesuatu benda, bukan senang walau ada sesetengah yang senang nak luahkan apa-apa dekat siapa-siapa. Dan itu bukanlah aku. Kalau nak ekspres-ekspres guna mulut ni, payah. Jadi ramai orang yang tak semestinya faham dengan apa yang aku cuba sampaikan, kalau ada tahniah. Kekekekekeke. Cuma sekarang je terasa macam ada perubahan sikit. Which is, sikit gila. Hahahaha. Takpa cuba lagi.

Alangkah bagus kalau jadi heartless. Eh tapi sekarang pun heartless apa? Haha. But not fully-heartless. Ada je benda yang dapat tembak perasaan aku, sakit oi. Kalau heartless tak payah fikir sangat dan buat rilek sepanjang masa. Syok wo. Tembak banyak mana, kental. Syok tu :) 

Alangkah bagus kalau orang macam aku ni reti sikit bersyukur atas apa yang aku dah ada. Tak payah nak dengki dengan orang lain. Orang lain mampu, aku tak mampu. Jadi, diam je lah dan berusaha lebih sikit. Ini tak. Tapi tak bermakna selama ni aku tak bersyukur :) Alhamdulillah, semuanya cukup. Cuma kadang-kadang perasaan macam tu datang, mencik (benci). 

Alangkah bagus kalau aku tak payah nak peduli dengan expectations orang terhadap aku. Malangnya, aku ada jugak peduli pasal semua tu. Alangkah bagus juga aku tak expect high untuk certain things. Sebab dari situ boleh jadi kecewa. Kadang tu boleh jadi kecewa gila. Nak biasa-biasa je, supaya bila something happen boleh buat lek je. Sebab perasaan kecewa tu, sakit betul.

Alangkah bagus kalau aku berhenti sekarang dan sedia untuk solat Maghrib..bye! Kehkeh

January 03, 2012

Words are not enough.

Just, Happy 2-years. Hoping for a brighter future


January 01, 2012

Hello 2012,

Its new year! Happy New Year, hoping that this year is better and joyful, full with great memories, okay? Tapi macam susah nak terima kenyataan bahawa aku dah, DOPLOH TAHUN. Uiiiii, dah tak ada belas-belas dah.. Well, we're growing up, and soon, we'll finish our studies, get our jobs, and kahwin, probably? Hahaha kbye.

Waduh, GTG. Going to Gombak with family. Baru nak hapdet blog ni! Aiyoyoy spoil..

Bye, have a blessed day =)