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March 04, 2012

Serious thinking

Death is in Allah's hands. Kalau dah sampai ajal, waktu itu lah nyawa kita akan ditarik. Pernah terfikir tak sedang kita bersuka ria atau rasa tak sedap hati tiba-tiba terfikir pasal benda ni? We don't know when is our time, will it be when we're too leka dengan dunia, bergelak tak hingat atau do something useless? Just thinking of that, nowadays I tend to say the Kalimah Syahadah or zikr ke doa-doa yang aku tahu bila terasa something bad will happen or bila tiba-tiba terfikir 'This could be my only chance to say such things before I die'. Yap, that kind of feeling. 

Honestly, I'm still very far from being a good Muslimah, not even close. Yet I'm struggling and it's not an easy thing to do. I know if we try slowly we'll find the right path and now I'm searching for it. Feeling that we'll die without enough Imaan, really scares me not as much as I did before. 

...I'm hoping I'l find the right path, before I go and leave Dunya forever. :)

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