Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?

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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

August 28, 2011

Today was superb. Harini pagi-pagi dah serang Jusco nak shopping raya. Tenang, aman sebab kurang orang, kedai pun baru bukak. Memang round satu-satu kedai lah. Sampai tengah hari je dah mula ramai. Seronok shopping satu family. Shopping as in semua orang shopping. Especially Ayah, semangat shopping sampai kitorang dah nak bayar ayah still tengah try baju. Seronok, jarang-jarang Ayah shopping, sibuk lah tu. Best, bila dah mula sesak ramai orang, kitorang berambus buahahaha.

And the next event is with my lovely friends. Syiok! Makan Flaming Steamboat. Peh kenyangggggggg. Puas hati.  It was nice, sebab dah lama tak gather ramai-ramai, even ada yang tak dapat pergi, sobz. Tak apa, lain kali k.

Dahiyah Aisyah, Happy Belated Birthday dear. :) I hope you had fun with us! We love you :3

K bye.

Paling laju la aku taip kan haha

August 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Lambat beberapa minit. NAK POS JUGAK TAK KIGHA.


August 24, 2011


Oh Sky,
Please rain tonight. 
So we can cry together, tonight.

It's time, and I'm strong. :)

August 20, 2011


*sapu habuk*


Ok. Hiiii.


Aku tak ada idea nak tulis pasal apa, tapi basically aku baru lepas habis test Marketing pagi tadi which the soalan memang peh lah. Nasib baik cukup juga masa nak habiskan jawab soalan, itu pun ada yang keluar awal. Dasat weh. Semalam pun lepas bangun pagi, satu hari tu aku tak naik katil pun. After kelas pergi Induk sebab ada majlis Anugerah Dekan, Alhamdulillah. :) Best! Makanan pun sodap. Mungkin yang sleknya performance dia, lagu macam romantik sangat lah, lagipun nak tunggu masa buka puasa. Tak payah nyanyi pun tak apa kot? Hihi. But overall it was funnnnnnn, aku tekankan sekali lagi makanan dia sedap haha. Siap dapat tapau makanan lagi!

Eh menyimpang pasal makanan. Just want to say, this anugerah thingy makes me think - Semester ni aku boleh lagi ke dapat dekan? Well based on my quizzes results,common tests results, macam down sikit. Aku banyak terleka kot, tak fokus. The results are not too bad tapii, macam supposedly I can do better than this, the results yang aku dapat pun macam jatuh je. Lagi-lagi semester ni agak payah, next sem lagilah. Nak kekalkan pointer semua. All of a sudden I feel the pressure, tengok most of my friends got better marks and I can't. T.T Weh sho shad ok. Tapi tak apa, aku anggap benda ni pun salah aku juga, banyak main awal-awal tu. Serve you right lah kan, Athirah. Tapi there is more time, I think? Haha. Nak kejar balik apa yang aku dah tercicir. Bila tengok Ibu tag post dekat Facebook pun macam down je.. she's proud of me. Semester ni I must make her proud too, well not just her la tapi the whole family juga. 

Macam masa ambil result SPM dulu, Ibu yang baru lepas operation dekat kaki, still kena pakai wheelchair lagi pun sanggup datang support her daughter. Bila dapat tahu results rasa macam nak melompat dengan Ibu berpeluk bagai tapi Ibu lompat atas wheelchair jelah hahaha. It was one of the happiest days in my life. 

Well, mesti orang cakap takpeeeeeeeeeeeeee jalan masih panjang. Still ada masa untuk improve yada yada. Yupppp, tahu tu. Lagipun this academic thingy salah satu yang boleh buat parents aku proud, selain tu, aku rasa aku sangat banyak yang kurang as a daughter, anak sulung pula tu. Dalam akademik lah yang aku rasa InsyaAllah aku boleh buktikan pada diorang yang aku akan banggakan diorang. I'm trying hard to improve myself and fix all the mistakes I've made. Nak tebus balik jasa diorang. Tapi aku kerja pun tak lagi. So this is one of the ways lah. To make them proud and I hope they know that I'm trying hard. Tapi sekarang macam leka dah. 

Gotta get back on track. Gotta think positive. It's life. Ups and downs memang ada. Biasalah tu. Maybe it's also a reminder that I got too carried away. 

I just want to make my parents proud. Because I know I am not a good daughter back then. 

HOMAIGOD EMONYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Hahahahaha series tak sangka post menyimpang sikit sampai emo-emo ni. Pergh. 

Tak payah baca pun tak apa sebenarnya. Eh perasannya, memang tak ada orang nak baca blog kau yang berhabuk-habuk ni puiiiiiiii!

Ok bye. Salam :D 

Ps - Malam Lailatul Qadar

August 15, 2011

Belasan Terakhir (quick update)

Comel sangat kad yang sangat besar ni :D
Tahun terakhir aku jadi belasan, lepas ni dah tua. Sobz. Makin banyak tanggungjawab bebeh!

'Betapa bersyukurnya aku dikelilingi orang yang aku sayang'

Ps - Event lama, baru nak apdet! Hehehehehehehe


Ai malas nak membaca, kalau nak tengok bideo-bideo boleh lah hikhik. I like his way of speaking. 

Just a reminder, I found this video from this blog

Bye! :D

August 11, 2011

Hello readers! IF there are any.

It has been quite a long time since I wrote my last entry which I copied the words from the another blog. I haven't really write any entry that is long and worth to read. Seems like the ideas are not coming in, blergh.

Currently I'm watching some videos I took from Bok ( I called him Bok, his name is actually Bob haha), live performance from the bands and singers I like, right now I'm watching Giving Up by Silverstein. It's really good to see that the bands performed really well live on the stage. Especially one of my favourite bands, Paramore. Hayley's voice are too awesome, and it seems that Avril Lavigne has improved her singing, I remembered when I watched her live videos - her voice quite..sucked. But I think she got better and I have always liked her style and songs.

I watched The Strokes videos too, their songs and the lyrics are good, their live performance too. Bands or singers who are awesome in radios and on stage are very good as nowadays most singers and bands just sound good on the radio, but *thumbs down* when live on stage.

Currently watching Lifehouse's You and Me, their live video. Awesome voice. Awesome vocalist, handsome (Y) Haha and also the video live performance on Hotel California by Eagles. PEHHHHHHHHHH I LIKE IT SO MUCH. I enjoyed it.

Errr, I think this post is just about bands and singer performing live. Well you see, music plays a big part of my life. Sometimes watching them perform on stage, singing their heart out, sing and mean every word they sing, I feel it too. That is what great music do.

Rock is still my favourite. \m/

August 01, 2011

Andai dia jodohku tunjukkn aku jalan agar dia menjadi milikku,
Andai dia milikku Kau sabarkanlah hatiku,
Andai dia jodohku Kau tetapkanlah imanku.

Andai dia bukan jodohku kau hilangknlah segala kenangan bersama si dia agar ku setia pada yang satu,
Andai perpisahan yang terbaik buatku,
Kau peliharalah dia,
Kau pertemukan dia dengan orang yang terbaik buat dirinya."

Dipetik dari sini

#nowplaying  Tercipta Untukku by Ungu