Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?

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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

November 29, 2011

Catatan Harian

Tada. Now it's already 7.43 a.m. and I still haven't showered yet. Tunggu nenek Saghah mandi nii, plus it's so cold pepagi ni. Rasa taknak mandi pun ada hihi. Since I didn't sleep after Subuh tadi, I decided to go online, blogwalking, checking the Timeline on Twitter, Facebook-ing and benda-benda tipikal yang lain orang selalu buat bila online. The first class for today is (jap check jadual) BEL 313 - Critical Thinking. I don't know what to say about this class, since baru dua kali masuk. But I could say that dua-dua kelas yang aku masuk, aku tak faham sangat pun apa dia ajar kehkehkeh. The lecturer seems okay, talkative but, I just couldn't absorb the whole thing he said. Well I tried, and I will try again next time. But so far it's not a big problem, cuma malas je kot. X)

I just hope that this week could end very soon, empat hariiiiiii je. There's no excitement sgt sebab subjek semua skema-skema. Blergh. And I hope the vacation is on because Ayah is very busy with his work he even work on weekends and public holidays. Dapat cuti kejap bersama pun jadilah ye tak. Adik-adik pun dah meronta-ronta sebab nak jenjalan. Ngihihihi,

Aku membebel ni pun sebab nak tunggu Sarah Feeney habis mandi T.T

Tak habis lagi..

So I guess sampai sini je, have to get other things ready before going to class. Bangun awal kena lah prepare benda lain awal jugak kan? Kihkih

Salam and have a blessed day.


November 28, 2011


Congratulations, Kak Ama :-D

Ada yang kata kak Ama serupa macam Ibu. Hihihi

November 27, 2011

Ni siapa yang dok goda aku untuk menjinakkan diri tengok bolasepak ni?! Dulu aku tak heran pun kot pasal perkembangan bola sepak Malaysia apatah lagi yang luar negara punya haha. Sekarang makin tertarik pulak nak tengok game-game tu. Tadi tengok Malaysia lawan Bahrain, which Bahrain menang. Haritu Indonesia lawan Malaysia, Alhamdulillah Malaysia menang kan! Dan hari kepada hari tu tengok...k tak perlu kot.

But nowadays kadang-kadang best jugak tengok game bola. Nebes gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, emosi sikit. Tapi best. Ni siapa yang dok goda ni?! Sekarang pun dah tahu sikit rules bola, salah satunya offside. Kawan aku penh kesabaran terangkan aku rules-rules dia and info2 yang lain yang dia nak bagitau hahahahaha thankss.

So, siapa yang dok goda aku minat tengok bola ni?!



Oh, pasal game tadi, good game lah Malaysia :D

November 26, 2011

I'm homeeeeeeee! Ibu picked me up and we headed to Space U8, the first EcoMall in Malaysia. Cool, kan. Haha

November 25, 2011

Hot Chocolate in the morning would be nice

Suka hati je bagi tajuk hahahahahahaha :-D

Anyways, it's Friday already! And I have no classes which is great and I'm sitting in front of the laptop likeaboss, for hours now. Sebab nak install The Sims 3 punya pasal, asyik ada problem je masa nak install. I hope this time the installation is finally complete. 

Nak cerita pasal studies, baru je masuk semester baru. I'm not excited, though. Full class everyday! But since it's the first week, biasalah lecturer kengkadang tak masuk kelas lagi, minggu depan baru start. I can't imagine how hectic it will be, gila pulak everyday full class. Tp disebabkan ni last semester, memang kena terima hakikat la jadual aku takde lobang langsung, itu pun akan ada kelas malam, kot. 

For this time being, I just bought some books which is very thick, dah macam dictionary pun ada tebal dia. Buku-buku untuk empat subjek dah RM200+, and I'm out of cash right now, I only have RM20 in my wallet. And guess what, dengar cerita duit JPA masuk end of December. END OF DECEMBER? REALLY? How am I going to survive with only RM20?! Nak beli buku lagi oiiiiii dah beratus-ratus, malas sungguh nak meminta daripada parents. Hidup 19 tahun ni asyik pakai duit mak bapak je -_- I hope it's not true, hope it'll come out this month because we the students really, need money right nowwwwwwwwwwww. T.T

Tak banyak sangat nak cerita pasal kolej/studies. Still adapting to the new semester. The subjects sure are tough. Skema-skema pulak tu subjeknya. 

InsyaAllah I'll survive.

Till then, bye :-D 

Gosh, my blog is getting dull. I need new ideas.

November 23, 2011

Always - #WW

November 21, 2011

Last semester

ESOK START CLASSSSSSSSSS! Selamat menempuhi semester empat.


November 18, 2011

Another great day well spent

Hi, it's Friday. Already. Sehari lagi untuk menghadap MUET yang mencuakkan dan dua hari lagi untuk masuk ke kolej. Packing pun tak lagi ni. Just a list. Barang-barang pun ada yang tak beli lagi. I hope petang ni dapat la aku rajin sikit nak kemas barang-barang haha. 

So hari Selasa lepas got sleepober, hihi. Best! Tapi kompom la lagi best kalau cukup kuota, haritu tiga orang je. The next day we went to WonderMilk yang comel lote decorations dia, menu dia pun taknak kalah! Description on every menu yang dia jual memang menyelerakan. Semuanya nak. Heeeeeeee

Next destination was OU but we're too tired too jalan-jalan. Besau sangat! Haha

The highlight is of course WonderMilk. :) 

This is Cheese N' Steak Roll. SEDAPPPPPPPPPP! Semua yang kengkawan aku order pun sedap. Eh sedap lah! And I ordered air Vanilla pun sedap. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee 

Buat macam rumah sendiri

Ini. Syok sendiri. Hakhak

Banyak lagi gambar tapi nanti kang muntah pulak. You should go there too. Heeeeeeee. Sedap dan menggembirakan perut! Dan menggembirakan mata juga la. Hihi

Ok nak gi packing

November 17, 2011

Acah-acah teaser la ni

November 15, 2011


andai hidup makin susah
andai hidup makin mencekik
andai dugaan datang beratur
tunggu untuk ditempuhi aku si lemah ini

Entah kenapa, malam ini. Aku rebah.

Aku rindu


Bukan selama ini tak pernah rasa. Aku kalah dengan rasa ini - rindu

Biarlah aku rebah untuk malam ni.

Aku mahu rasa itu. Rasa rindu itu.

November 14, 2011

Mana idea-idea nak apdet blog nii? MANAAAAAA?

November 13, 2011

Coming to the end

Cuti sudah hampir sampai ke penghujungnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Walaupun aku agak kebosanan sebab cuti ni tak buat apa apa sangat pun, tapi lepas ni nak masuk belajar balik. Tak bestnyaaaa. Tapi look at the brightside, otak berfungsi la sikit, berjalan sikit, belajar, pergi kelas dan berosial sikit -_- *think positive think positive* Fourth semester is going to start on 21st, last semester before intersession lepas tu habis diploma! Yey :)

Have to work hard sampai habis diploma. Banggakan mak bapak sikit.

And Alhamdulillah for the results. Aku bukak e-mail pun pasrah gila haritu. Hehe syukurrr.

Hah! Let's see the list yang aku buat dulu, list apa-nak-dibuat-time-cuti-semester-ni -

1. Do sit ups or push ups ke everyday - FAILED. Sehari je buat -_- Tah pape
2. Lepak with my friends, if ada yang ajak, I'll go. - Luckily ada keluar :-D 
3. Keluar jenjalan sambil bawak my other boyfriend selain Ajwad, Mr.Nikong. - Masa pergi konsert Aisyah je kot -_______- Yay me..
4. Maybeeeeee, improve my skills on guitar. - I don't know if Im improving or not. Sold my guitar already..
5. Play games! - Hells Kitchen, Tumblebugs, Diner Dash, games yang ada dalam phone Ibu. Uh-huh
6. Go a little bit of shopping. Nak beli t-shirt and bag.  - Ada la sikit.. But no t-shirt and bag :S
7. Nak kerja ekceli. - MMG TAK 

Ehehehe so that's it. Tak memuaskan pong -_-
Sometimes I just can't wait to start studying again, sebab otak at least berjalan. Cuma bila tengok subjek yang erghhhhhhhhhhhh, tak semangat. But, have to gather the strength! Tak boleh lengah-lengah kerja, buruk padahnya (Aku rasa tiap2 kali nak belajar cakap macam ni. Ptui!) 

So, enjoy this last week, people. Then we're back on track. Student life~

Oh Yeah~ 

November 12, 2011

Tag dari Cikcit

Nak jawab soalan je boleh tak? Lol

 Here it goes X) [Ketahuilah aku memang malas nak tag orang ni. Kecuali kalau betul2 ada mood, itu pun rare]

1. What was your first impression when you saw me?
First jumpa masa Cikcit nak keluar rumah, aku dgn Ibu nak masuk tengok-tengok rumah first day register diploma ritu. Berborak sekejap dgn Ibu, she's friendly :)

2. What do you think of me now?
Fun! Hehe, but memang betul la, macam makcik-makcik :p Suka membebel je hahahahihihuhuhu :p

3. What do you think about my blog?
Nicely done :) 

4. What Korean drama do you guys love the most?
Typical tapi, Boys Over Flowers :p

5. What do you guys think will happen if the world was only lived by beautiful and and handsome people?
Then there will be no ugly people. Thats good, but weird

6. Could you live with only RM50 a month in this time zone?
I don't know. Nak try lah X)

7. What would you do if a friend you really trust is actually stabbing you at the back?
Remind myself - that is not a friend. 

8. Do you think I should start writing in Bahasa?
English pun okay :-D

9. Would you prefer to date a Korean or an European? 
Korean la kot? Tapi diorang flawless. Aku ni T.T 

10. What was your hardest break-up?
It was the hardest break-up so its kinda hard to say :p Buahahahaha

11. What do you guys think about my style of clothing?
Comfortable kot? And unique! Tang shawl dia. Haha

November 11, 2011

Hear this

Tak ingat mana jumpa video ni, enjoy! :-) They're really good

I see you in my future


November 05, 2011

Tagged lagi Tagged lagi!

Lama tak main tag-tag ni. Eyqa suruh setelkan tag ni. Aku sangat pemalas nak ikut sejibik sejibik apa yang dia suruh :p Hehehehehe, I'll just answer the questions jela kot. Ok?

Selamat membaca -__-

Eleven things about me :

(banyak kali dah aku tulis dalam blog ni, let's make it simple)

1. Shy, but talkative :> HAHA
2. I love red and grey
3. Taking Fast Track in Diploma in Accountancy. Last sem. Fuh fuh
4. Prefer texting than calling, I guess
5. Sometimes I don't even understand myself. Still finding
6. Sukaaaaaaaaaaaaa Spongebob :-D
7. Surrounded by good friends, Thank You Allah for that :)
8. I love to laugh and smile
9. Seorang yang suka buat benda last minute -_-
10. Hardcore is one of my favourite :)
11. Memiliki patung lembu paling comel hahahahaha

Ni, soalan Eyqa buat untuk aku haha -

1. siapa lagi penting, bf | kawan? - Kawan :-) Ce tanya bf mcm tu, mesti kawan dia jugak penting :p
2. anda rasa anda cantik? - Ah, no
3. benda yg selalu anda buad? - Aaaaaaaa? Masa cuti ni? Onlain je la ha
4. antara handphone dan laptop, mana lg penting? - Er, both? Phone kot :D
5. lepas anda habis sekolah dulu, ape yang anda nak? - Nak laptop :p
6. anda suka berjauhan dengan bf\gf anda? - Siapa suka. Hehe tapi terima je
7. haiwan ape paling anda geli? - CICAK LIPAS KUMBANG dan sewaktu dengannya. Cacing
8. upload wallpaper yg anda guna dekat hp sekarang - Later k? Hehe
9. anda single atau dah ditaken? - Secara Islam belum lagi la hakhaksssssssssssss
10. ciri" lelaki idaman anda? - Funny and serious
11. anda seorang yang suka kepada fesyen? - Em, suka tengok, but I don't really follow the trend hehe.

OK! :p

November 04, 2011

Thank You

November 02, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

November 01, 2011

Bila Dah Cuti

Bila dah cuti, taktau nak apdet apa dekat blog sebab tak banyak benda menarik yang dibuat time cuti. Duduk rumah je -_-

Bila dah start semester, konon bizi pulak nak apdet sebab tkde masa semua.

Bilanya nak apdet entri yang berpekdah sikit ni?!
