Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?

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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

October 31, 2011

Terbaca blog Seha, ex-classmate hehe :

"Tuhanku aku tidak layak ke syurga-Mu,
tetapi aku tidak pula sanggup menanggung siksa neraka-Mu,
dari itu kurniakanlah keampunan kepadaku ampunkanlah dosaku,
sesungguhnya Engkaulah pengampun dosa-dosa besar."

Selalu baca ni lepas solat dekat surau time sekolah dolu-dolu

Sebak betul time doa ni, especially time Maghrib ke time tengah stress ke haha.

October 30, 2011


Haritu stress nak lepas level 8. Apa yang susah gila aku taktau laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, tapi selalu kalah je!

Sekarang ni nak lepas level 11 pulak. Dah lepas ni, nak kasi lepas last level iaitu LEVEL 12.

Kena kerja keras ni hahaha :p
Jom la mainnnnnnnnn hikhik

Kerja aku cuti ni tengok movies

October 25, 2011


Saw a hashtag in Twitter which is #iloveAllah.

#iloveAllah yet I keep doing my sins. 

Jadi, layakkah aku kalau aku bilang #iloveAllah itu? Kata je lebih, tapi I'm still struggling to be a good Muslim.

I think about this every night before I go to sleep.


October 22, 2011

I am not sleepy yet

Sekarang dah hampir pukul 4 pagi, lebih kurang dua jam lebih lagi untuk tidur, then kena pergi Aisyah punya konsert, which is I don't know dekat mana, follow je. Hehe. Harap-harap tak ada liat sangat nak bangunlah kan.

Soooooo, I just finished watching 16 Wishes and It's Kind of A Funny Story. Dua-dua okay, I guess. Worth to watch. Takdelah macam The Expandables, action best tapiiiii bila dah habis we were like 'Whaaaaaa?' Jalan cerita dia lost masa ending to. Haha thanks to Sarah for the recommendation of the movie -_- Hehehe. 

Aku rasa macam boring tak boring lah cuti semester ni. No, I don't want to go back to college yet, semester depan dahlah tough gila, I bet. Dengan lapan subjek, blerghhhhh let's hope I'll survive through it. Lepas tu ada intersession lagi before habis diploma. Speaking of, its good to see kawan-kawan dah masuk Degree. Degree poit, aku diploma lagi. Haha takpa, boleh saing dengan korang nanti InsyaAllah X) 

Ok back to the point, I didn't do anything extraordinary things these few days sepanjang bercuti. Keluar jenjalan dengan Ibu, pick up adik, driving area TTDI Jaya (which is kind of -_-), lepak dekat kedai Mamak with Ibu again, dinner with family dekat luar and other..normal things. I think I should do something more useful, kan? Nak sangat cuti kan, so kena la do something yang boleh isi masa selain, tidur makan, tengok movie, tidur makan. 

Maybeeeeeeeeeeeee (Just maybeeeeeeeeeee)

1. Do sit ups or push ups ke everyday HAHAHA. I don't know, 10 push ups pun malas buat. 
2. Lepak with my friends, if ada yang ajak, I'll go. Sebab duit takde so tak boleh nak memandai ajak orang keluar sana sini. AND, transport pun tarak. Kalau aku boleh drive sana sini boleh lew.
3. Keluar jenjalan sambil bawak my other boyfriend selain Ajwad, Mr.Nikong. It's been a long time since I took pictures. DSLR berhabuk dalam lemari tu, rugi rugi. Baik aku jual je. Well I've been thinking of that, nak DSLR yang boleh record videos, so I can edit some videos which I like to do so back then.
4. Maybeeeeee, improve my skills on guitar. Tapi guitar gua bunyi tak sedap :( A few cakap just tukar string but haritu dah tukar, takde sodap mana pun? Ingat nak jual and beli gitar lain, my skills pun are getting a little rusty. Nak jamming dengan member pun tak syiok sebab bunyi dia sumbang, seriesli. So I need some tips from other people. New guitar or just change the strings?
5. Play games! Oh wait aku tengah dalam musim main game la ni. Haritu baru start main The Sims Social, tapi dah sehari tak main (BARU sehari) sebab boring jeeee. And I don't wanna get so addicted playing those Facebooks games macam aku addict dekat CityVille, Baking Life etc. Harini baru habiskan semua level for Titanic Mystery! Haritu dah habiskan game Hell's Kitchen. :p Sekarang maybe nak main Tumblebugs pulak tee-hee X)
6. Go a little bit of shopping. Nak beli t-shirt and bag. OH yang ini pastinya pau parents saya la. Hehehehehe kalau dapat -_-
7. Nak kerja ekceli. Tapi takde guts nak cari kerja sengsorang, nak kena ada geng, and rasanya dah tak sempat pun nak cari kerja -_- But really! Teringin nak kerja, be independant. Ni nak cari kerja pun kena berteman. See? Blergh
8. ..........

Panjang pulak aku tulis pepagi ni. Well I guess, sekarang spend my holidays pun takdelah teruk sangat. Takdelah macam boring gilaaaa, daripada kena belajar balik? Baik enjoy je weekends ni, lepas ni busy balik dah dekat Puncak Perdana yang seronok tu kan. Sebabkan aku takde duit and takde transport nak kemana-mana, I have to face the fact that I'll be spending most of my time in home. Macam tak biasa spend masa dekat rumah je selama ni. Bagi yang berduit or rajin lelepak kat memana tu bosan la kalau duduk dekat rerumah kan (Eh aku memang sesuka je bebuat ayat macam ni, pepaham tak?) 

SOOOOOOOOOOOO, just enjoy your holidays. Even if its boring, well just face it. Hehe, sementara ada cuti, hidup je memacam mana pong. Kang dah busy sibuk nak cuti lah hape. *panggg*

K, bye. I think I need my sleep like, now. But I cannot go to sleep :-( Ada something missing, or someone. Haha, kbye.

Oh and Ecah, get well soon :-S

My oh my, he is so cute kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? Gila best kalau dapat patung dia bebesar! Haha

October 20, 2011

Life in Semester Break

I'm starting to get quite addicted to play The Sims Social dekat FB tu. Tengok wall aku la senang cerita. Haha, kadang-kadang boring pun ada, tapi sebab takde benda lain nak buat -_-

Sekarang banyak habiskan masa main apa-apa games yang ada dalam laptop ni. 

Selamat bercuti, pelajar diploma. Bye

Nak wishlist jugak boleh?

Malas nak ada wishlist jugak tapi sebab duit selalu tak cukup haha. Entah kenapa skrg wishlist banyak beno barang yang diidamkan. Tamak pun ada kot, semua benda nak.

Eh tak jadi la bagitau, berangan je. Hekhek

Bila ada duit, belilah. But right now dalam target aku, gitar. Kot.

Heh -_-

Goodnight :-)

Another Piece of Crap

Why everything seems so dark in here
Stranded in a place called nowhere
But hey, I think I've been to this place before, and I had this strong feeling that I hate to be here
This place makes me feel scared, anxious about what is in front of me as Im walking
Too dark, too dark I afraid I'll fall in a big black hole or something
Too afraid, too afraid that no one will never know Im here, not be able to save me
I've never wanted to go to this creepy dark place where I feel all alone
It makes me weak down here,

But hey, I think I see a light in front of me
It's dim, but I guess its the way to get out from here
As I walk it gets brighter

And I saw someone, in fact I saw a few people, looking for me

'Hey, where have you been? We miss you. Let's go home'

Sometimes we are lost in this world, and sometimes, we're lost in our own world. We had nowhere to go, nobody to tell. In fact we're just looking for ourselves, finding ourselves back on the road of living. 
I believe, we need someone to guide us along the way. Friends, or family or even a complete stranger, just to remind us where we actually stand. What are the purposes of actually living in this world. 

We just need that someone. We just think we're strong enough.

October 19, 2011

October 18, 2011

Mangsa Serangga

There was this one time, zaman dekat TTJ dulu (salah satu zaman yang aku paling rindu, kan?) waktu tengah tusyen, Add Maths rasanya. Aku tengah sehabis baik buat-buat concentrate bila cikgu mengajar, tiba-tiba ada serangga yang tak diundang terbang dekat dengan area aku. Aku tak ingat terbang ke jatuh depan aku ke -_- Yang pasti aku terus bangun tak fikir apa dah, nak lari. Imagine that. Duduk dahlah bahagian tengah, nasib baik tak ramai sangat dalam kelas tu, demmmmmm. Masa aku nak start blah dari tempat duduk, Zatyl tarik baju aku siap-siap 'Dah takde dah, takde dah' Baru aku start rasa malu time tu hahahahahahahaha.

What the..

Haha, not a fan la serangga kecik-kecik ni, kupu-kupu ke rama-rama pun aku tak suka. Bukan la benci tapi tak suka kalau dia datang dekat dengan aku eventhough binatang tu harmless. Maybe I was afraid kalau-kalau dia masuk baju aku ke. Parah weh. Sebab dah trauma dulu kot, ada kumbang masuk dalam tudung aku, I dont know macam mana aku boleh perasan, tapi ada rasa something la geli-geli. Dahlah tengah perhimpunan sekolah, suara aku pulak takde langsung. Aku jerit je sepuas hati dekat assembly tu sebab aku takde suara kan, member-member pun terbangak-bangak la tengok aku tak keruan hahahahahaha. Well, maybe ada hikmah kot kenapa suara aku tak ada time tu. Jerit dekat assembly -_-


Cannot stand la like this. Aku ok je kalau benda tu tak bergerak kalau aku jumpa dekat mana-mana. I started to panick kalau binatang tu hilang secara tiba-tiba. Where did it go?! Tu yang panik tak memasal tu. Dalam banyak-banyak binatang, kumbang la paling aku tak suka. Blerghhhhhhhh. Kumbang gatai -_- Dua kali kot. Tak kira lagi waktu ulat daun yang hijau tuuuuuu(kecik jela) atas tudung aku and I was holding it siap rasa apasal ada benda panjang ni atas tudung.. And not to forget cicak terjatuh dari buaian and melekat dekat tangan aku. Dia melekatt. Hishhhhh. Ngeri la oiii.

So thanks kepada member-member/family yang sudi layan aku time aku tak keruan, suruh buang binatang tu jauh-jauh ke apa ke. Masehhhhhhhh banyak-banyak. Yang terkejut sebab tengok tiba-tiba aku melompat ke apa ke. Haha, fiuh what would I do without you guys..

Lepas ni aku akan cuba untuk kontrol diri, lompat pun sikit-sikit je, k? Hey, at least Im trying X) Hehehehehehe

PS - Going to be bored these few days. No transport to go anywhere, Ibu pergi kursus. Blerghh

October 17, 2011

#Situasi Kurang Syok

Bila dekat kedai makan, orang tu ambik order endah tak endah je. Muka macam taknak ambik order. Maybe dia penat kot, tapi masam bebeno orang yang ambik order tadi. Tergelak aku, hehe. Sometimes I think waiter dekat kedai mamak lagi best servis dia, semua dia boleh tolong.

Aku rasa dia penat dah nak senyum kot, letih asyik ambik order je. Hm, maybe la.

Piece of Crap

We always think that we're strong enough to face whatever happens along the way. Its like we have a shield, we could go through most of the obstacles that happen around us. We always think that way. Nothing could stop us, nothing could break me down. We often say 'Everything is going to be alright'. Well there must be a bit of problems along the way, but they couldn't tear us down, they can't pull us down because we're strong enough.

But there is always a moment where, emotions conquer it all. It's like everything seems so dark in a blink of an eye. Suddenly we feel the heartache that we couldn't bear like before. Burst in pain, we feel. Everything seems unclear and dark, all of them seems so wrong. There's just no way to be positive anymore. Its like the shields and the walls we build, it crashed just like that. Something big happened, it happened so drastically, so suddenly, so painful that we fell to the ground. No one else to turn to, we just have no ways to turn to. It's like dead end. Dark. Alone.

Times like these, strong is the only option that we have. Maybe before we just act like we're strong, but now we have to be strong. We are really being pushed down beneath, feeling the pain that has never been felt before. ' Too much pain, how could I overcome it? Unbearable '

Yet, you are given only one choice.

Be strong. Find strength. 

Above all, you have Him.


A River Flows In You

if there’s a road that’s made only for you
that road is inside your pure heart
if you can endure through this pain
Than just put your soul into trusting..

holding you holding you
it’s in you, river flows in you
slowly, slowly, the river flows in me

holding you holding you
it’s in you, river flows in you
longing, waiting more, would we be there?

I would give my whole heart only to you
So that I can feel you always
If you can hold on into it just a bit longer
Than try to put your heart into it

holding you holding you
it’s in you, river flows in you
slowly, slowly, the river flows in me

holding you holding you
it’s in you, river flows in you
longing, waiting more, would we be there?

- A River Flows In You by Yiruma,
Its  the lyrics translation

October 12, 2011

October 10, 2011

The Eye

Today I had plans with ze housemates! Well, not all of us but, four housemates including me. I woke up early in the morning so that I won't be rushing when getting ready. I really hate rushing.

Hm. Letih la nak speaking sangat ni. Not literally speaking, but yeah.

Dalam 9.30 dah bergerak ke Damansara, dengan perut berbunyi aku masuk dalam kereta. Thanks kepada cousin Nadhirah sudi tumpangkan aku yang berlesen tapi tak berkereta ni. Haha. Ekceli check mata pun nak tolong cousin Nadhirah untuk buat research for his studies. Something like that. So kami pergi bersama-sama, since segan nak pergi sorang-sorang. 

It was kinda fun, sebab macam-macam dia buat dengan mata kita ni. Haha, first check yang aku terima adalah nak tengok dryness of our eyes waktu kita menghadap laptop/computer. So akak ni kata sekeping kertas yang dia tunjuk tu dia akan masukkan dalam mata, (dah gulp awal awal dah). Luckily dia cakap tak sakit pun, cuma rasa sikit je ada benda yang masuk. Mati-mati la aku ingat kertas panjang tu nak masuk dalam mata. Euw kot. Rupanya dia lipat sikit kertas tu, lipatan yang kecik cenonet tu yang dia masukkan. So chill lah, tak nebes sangat hahahahaha. 

Selain tu macam biasa la bagi yang dah berkaca mata, dia bagi spek gedang nak cek power and silau. Lepas tu nak test rabun warna, rabun jauh/dekat and juling! Mujur gua tak juling. Paling kelakar dan fun bila nak cek pressure dekat mata kita. Letakkan mata dekat mesin tu and mesin tu tiba-tiba akan keluarkan angin! Haha macam kena tiup tu. Geli dan always tergelak setiap kali mata kena tiup. 

It was fun. Aku tak suka sangat check up ni, takut la ada penyakit ke apa kan. Tapi Im glad I did this, overcome jugak one of my tiny fears - seeing the doctors/dentist/sewaktu dengannya bahahahahahaha. 

And I had fun with my housemates. AND IKAN KELI TIME LUNCH TADI SEDAP GILA :-D Pedassssss.

Arrived home at 7 and now Im waiting for the clock to struck to 12. Nak tidur :p 

Goodnight :-) 

PS - Aku tak ada motif pun sebenarnya nak tulis entri ni. Eksaited lebih dapat cek mata. 


October 09, 2011

Oh Yeah!

Final examination is overrrrrrrrrrrrr! 4 days ago. It's great not thinking what subject to learn every morning since its over. Right now Im enjoying my holidays, just waiting to go the final semester, Oh Yeah! (Gaya Vector dalam Despicable Me). Though Im happy the examination is over, it scares me to know the results, I'm not sure about Dean's List anymore. All I know is, I screwed some of the subjects and I don't think its enough to cover up my pointers to make it to DL.

There goes my chance :-(

For now, I don't have other plans except going out with my housemates for an eye check-up and probably go to Alin's house. AND not to forget, MUET. I know its quite tough, you have to be good in speaking and writing too. And listening, kan? Maybe this MUET thingy makes me want to write this entry in English :p I just hope it goes well and I won't stutter.

Other than that, I'm going to finish watching One Tree Hill, for real. I just love the series, hihihihi. And downloading songs. So many songs to download! Hehehehehehehe.

So I guess that's it for now, have to get ready, going out for dinner in a few minutes.

Happy holidays! And happy going to classes, Degree students, welcome to university life XD

#nowplaying Lighters by Bruno Mars