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November 30, 2008

Before I Die From Boredom

Name 3 things that scare you

Lipas yang terbang kat rumah aku
Veryveryvery silent room

Name 3 things that make you smile

Photos of family and friends
Lauk yang menyelarakan
People who tries to make me laugh when Im not in a good mood, I'll end up smiling because I'm tired watching them doing silly things just to make me laugh Ha Ha. Then they'll stop.

Name 3 things that completely piss you off


Name 3 things that help you get over it

Music , its always the best. :)
Have a superblast time with friends
Dancing woo hoo

Name 2 things that make you feel lonely

Tengok orang dating haha sorry I cant help it
Makan kat kantin sorang-sorang, aku tak suka aku perlukan teman makan.

Name 2 things that make you feel loved

Kisses (Alin does that)

Name 2 things that you would like to do before the end of the year

Own a DSLR, please ibu? Haha
Apa apa lah

Name 2 things that you wish had never happened this year

Breaking up?
Being so confused over something? I mean fakking confused

Name 1 thing you are greatly anticipating


Name 1 thing you have kept a secret for way too long

Ouu, rahsia tetap rahsia

Name 1 thing youre hoping to get for Christmas or your Birthday

Eh aku sambut ke Krismas?

Name 1 regret.


To-Do Lists

I have a lot of things to do during this hols. Man I better start as soon as possible because tomorrow is the first day in December and a few weeks to go until January which I have to prepare for school stuffs. Ergh hoi si pemalas buatlah kerja kau, tahi betul

These are the important things I have to do starting tomorrow(Harini off-duty muahaha) :

1. Finish my physics form5 folio (Haram taktau satu benda pun)
2. Finishing my account's slides is a MUST! or Puan Rusimah will be my worst nightmare
3. As a secretary of the Silat Society, I have to updates the society's files ; loads of them AHH
4. Study physics because I only know 30% from the formFour subjects. Help me friends? Studygroupies anywan?
5. Additional Mathematics and Chemistry, revise the subjects that I find hard to solve
6. Decorate my stinky dull room (kalau sempatlah, maklumlah sibuk buat tahi mata kan)
7. Survey the price of the cameras. I need one before school starts *fingers crossed
8. Ahhhhh I just realised, homework Rumusaaaaaaaan !! Ergh mannnn

I'll add more in case I ter-forgot.
Oookay *inhale
kamon bebehhhhh let's start haaaaaiyak! *okay my stomach's growling. lets start with Eating.

Yehaw tadi pergi tesco extra lepas makan tgh hari + malam (2 in 1) beli meja baru yes! Lenguh jugak lah kaki aku bawak troli sana sini tengok tengok apa yang menarik. Tujuan kitaorg pergi tesco nak beli meja bagi semangat kat kami adk beradk ni ha, spaya belajar time cuti ni dgn semangat meja baru(?). Beli kat situ kena pasang sendiri kat rumah, aku dgn bangganya 'biar thirah pasang, pro sikit' ibu dengan yakinnya beli sekotak meja yg belum dipasng lagi oyehyeh.
*hashemmm! eskus mi,

Aku memang suka kerja memasang nii tapi tak sangka pulak kerja kali ni melecehkan dan mnghilangkan kesabaran aku, aku give up lepas 10 minit. Kertas panduan yang aku baca langsung tak membantu. Hah, ego dah turun, yang pro kena dibantu. Ibu tolong aku pasang meja tu hihi kadang kadang kitaorg bergaduh 'ibuuuuuuuu pakai skru ni bukan skru tu, skru tu buruk' "ehh senyaplah!" .......
Hampir sejam lebih jugak lah kitaorg pasang, cerekarama pun dah start. Last last aku koyak je kertas panduan tu, kentut gila tak boleh pakai langsung. Then ibu decide buat jelah janji siap kertas haprak tu dah bazirkan masa emas kita. Ksabaran aku teruji sebab aku mmg panas gila bila ibu buat tak kena ngan mata aku, tak kena ngan cara aku tapi dia kan ibu aku. Ha ha. Akhirnya siap jugak yeeeeehaa ! Walaupun ada cacat cela sikit tapi kira ok waaaat. Boleh hilang sabar woo buat benda ni ayh aku dahlah takde nak membntu hal hal skrudriver lah apa lah, pakai lesung batu pun boleh jalan daaa. Haaa baru semangat aku nak buat homework aku yang dah mula berhabuk kat belakang pintu tu.
Esok mula homework! Go mejaa go! Watefak

November 29, 2008

That Little Creature.

Gabungan jeritan ibu ngn Aqilah. Fuhh semangat. -______-"

November 28, 2008

AntooFighter : Amukan Drakulat!

Kalau kauorang nak cerita tanpa perlu berfikir jalan ceritanya atau kenapa ending dia macam ni macam tu yadayada, AntooFighter lah ceritanya! Haha ya cerita ni memang agak tak logik(sangat tak logik) macam baca komik kot tapi cerita ni release tension kot. Sebelum ni asik tengok cerita yang kena perah otak je kan, takpun cerita cinta yang boleh buat kita meleleh air mata dan hingusan yang ada. Tengok AntooFighter memang boleh meletup perut doh, Haha Radhi a.k.a Poh Jee(watak dia) lah paling comel. Hee. Aku memang adore scene Poh Jee menangisi kematian atuk dia kat kubur time tengah hujan konon konon sedih , tiba tiba abang hemsem sorang ni masuk skrin *kantoi siram paip hos bomba buat efek hujan. Tak lupa juga kat Awie *tepuktepuk* yang mainkan watak utama, Drakulat! Hiahiahia, tengok lah wehh tengoklahhhh cerita yang sangat kelakar ni. Scary Movie boleh layan takkan ni takboleh kot?

November 26, 2008


Right now I'm looking forward to read Cecelia Ahern's novels. It has been ages since I read novels. The last novel I read was The Perfect Stranger, waiiiit no it's not, Konserto Terakhir was the last one I read. Lol I got so bored in my dorm and finished reading it. It was not bad, though. My leisure time is now filled with reading three novels ibu bought for me a few days ago, so I guess I won't be having serious boredom in this house since I can't go out often. Hehh. Besides reading I'll be doing my homework(yes, I got loads of homework to do) which I didn't start, yet. Haha Im too lazy for homeworks, why on earth do the teachers gave us homework when they know that we Will Not finish them and will only continue doing the works when the school reopens next year. Duh, who finished their homework during the school holidays are probably their teacher's favourite students. Thumbs up to those who complete ALL homework. Hooraah

Oh two days ago I went to Dahiyah's place joining a sleepover. It was great! and we watched LoveGuru. It was a hell of a movie, we enjoyed it very much. It was very much pervert, though but Mike Myers was veryvery funny and we just can't stop laughing watching the movie. Then the next day we watched _____(I don't even know the name of the movie pathetic isn't it) starring Amanda Bynes. It was truly a good movie, well, the movie made Ziha cried! Hahaha tu belum filem hindustan lagi, Ziha. :D :D Well, I don't know what to write anymore but overall it was great hanging with them!

November 22, 2008

Kau Ingat Kita Dah Cukup Canggih?

Haha think again, Jepun dah terlalu maju sampai cipta benda yang kita tak terfikir nak buat.

Ini kes rindu kat suami tahap gaban dah ni, haish yelah suami sibuk kan.

Haha kadang kadang memang merepek gila orang zaman sekarang,

November 21, 2008

Obsessed With Cute Cupcakes

I made cupcakes today! They taste great for a first timer like me, haha. My sisters and I made them together and it was chaotic at the kitchen but finally we got the mould together and baked them in the oven. The first tray was okay but the cupcakes seemed to be too crunchy LOL. Then the second tray was successfull! Haha right now ibu wants to bake a cake and goodluck to you, ibu. Jangan jadi lembik sgt sudah hihi.

Cupcakes just make my day, looking at the pictures makes me drooling wanting every colour and design of cupcakes. :)

Hariz Shah's Blog


Itu url nya, kalau nak senang click je blog 'Kugubahlaguku' kat bloggers list aku tu, oke? Hihi, saja gedikgedik nak promote tapi blog dia sangat menarik. Oke, selamat berkunjung! :)

November 18, 2008

Its All About The Music

1 Song that is currently stuck in your head:

Hinder - Wihtout you

2 Last song you caught yourself singing or humming:

Ohhhh Cinta Gila by Grey Sky Morning

3 Last song you listened to/are listening to now:

La Luna - Membekas di Hati haha eww jiwang

4 Last song you downloaded:

Shontelle - T-shirt

5 Last album you purchased/downloaded:

I just downloaded all Evanescence's song in their album Origin

6 Favorite song at the moment:

Mestilah Hinder - Without you

7 Favorite song of all time:

I dont Wanna Miss a Thing by Aerosmith

8 Favorite album of all time:

Hmmmmmm, Hujan punya kot hihi

9 Favorite artist/band:

Avril Lavigne and Hujan, my all time favourite

10 Who do you think is the best singer?:

Hayley Williams from Paramore she is great on stage

11 Best lyricist?:


12 Favorite artist/band to hear live:


13 Favorite line from a song:

There's never a right time to say goodbye - Chris Brown, Say Goodbye

14 Favorite music genre:


15 Least favorite genre:

Dangdutt !

16 Your favorite artist/band growing up:


17 Your favorite song growing up:


18 Favorite song(s) to sing to:

Paramore - Decoy

19 Favorite instrument to listen to:

Piano. Easy listening

20 Favorite music video:

None , haha

21 Song you know ALL the lyrics to:

Fall for You - Secondhand Serenade. There are other songs I know all the lyrics

22 Do you sing in the shower?


23 Do you sing in the car?


24 Ever sung in public?

Yeah babyyy,

25 Ever written a song?

Haha yeah but I just keep it to myself, Im not a good songwriter

26 Oldest song you like:

The Beatles Song

27 Newest song you like:


28 Song that makes you sleepy:

Maksim the piano player

29 Song that makes you cry:

Keep it to myself. Shh

30 Song that makes you sad:


31 Song that makes you happy:

Mika songs!

32 Song that makes you think of love:

Avril Lavigne - Innocence i just love that song

33 Song that reminds you of being a child:

ABC song? haha

34 Song that reminds you of high-school:

Vitamin C - Graduation

35 Song that reminds you of college:


36 First song or artist you ever remember hearing:

Jonas Brothers - Love Bug

37 Think back about 10 years, what would have been in your CD player?


38 What's in your CD player (or ipod) now?


39 Favorite song of the 70's or earlier:

hm..let me think

40 Favorite song of the 80's:

there's many

41 Favorite song of the 90's:

too many

42 Favorite song of the 2000's:

toooooooo many

43 Favorite song of this year:

Fall for you - Secondhand Serenade

44 Do you like any of the same music as your parents?

Yeah Yeah, especially the songs from the 80's

45 What do you think of "oldies"?

Their songs are very nice and sweet

46 Do you like the same kinds of music as your friends?

Yeah Yeah

47 Name a song that everyone seems to love that you just don't like:

None, I guess

48 Is there any artist/band you HATE?

Slipknot they are just too scary

49 Current artist/band you're digging?

Carburetor Dung

50 Artist/band from the past you're currently adoring?


51 What do you think of the current state of music?

Cool and rocking

52 Do you watch music award shows?

Sometimes, I dont watch tv much

53 What do you think of MTV?


54 Your top 5 music styles/genres:


55 Lastly, if you were to be stranded on an island by yourself, name 5 songs you MUST have with you:

1. Sum 41 - With Me
2. Shontelle - T-shirt
3. Antic Cafe - Candy Holic
4. Atreyu - Ex's and Oh's
5. Matchbook Romance - Tiger Lily

This Wounds Won't Seem To Heal

This wounds wont seem to heal
This pain is just too real
Theres just too much the time cannot erase
-My immortal, Evanescence

I just found out, even when we try so hard to forget all the mistakes that we have done, try to throw away the pain far away and hoping it won't come back, in the end of the day, we realised that the pain never really go, the heart was never healed because the memories built were just too hard to forget, too sweet to let them go. All we have to do is just move on with the next chapter and hoping we could be stronger to go through our life now.

November 17, 2008

Antic Cafe Goes Crazy

November 16, 2008

Nineteen Medals Won!

On the 8th and 9th November ago, a tournament was held in Paroi. Silat tournament, I don't know why I became one of the participants but this is my first time and I enjoyed it although I didn't get any medal yeah I know it's pathetic but at least I got into the semi-final haha. The preparation for the tournament was tiring, we had to go training everyday and attend for fitness test which I hated the most, but still, we had fun during the training as we get close to each other and we become a Big family.

We get to the MSN Hall in Paroi and surprisingly our school became the first school to arrive yeah. The tournament began at 9.30 a.m. and started with the first category, Bunga Tanjung for Putris. There is the video of us doing the Bunga Tanjung but I didn't upload it yet. I'll upload it A.S.A.P in youtube! Just wait for a couple more days, I promise you hihi.

The best part in this tournament were the Olahraga category, it was a sparring competition. Dhamir and I was the first couple to compete and I won the game, 3-0. I can't believe it because I thought Dhamir was the one with the leading points and it was quite a good start for me. Then it was Art and Nanad's turn sparring and Art won the game, 3-0. Art was a tough competitor and I was beaten by her in the semi-final and obviously she won. Haha congrats to you, Art!

I enjoyed watching the guys beating up each other and our team cheered for them especially when Amyrul was sparring with a guy from other school. Our cheering was worth it because he get a gold medal, thanks to us for the cheering :P
Not to forget Auf, Ku, Azizi, Wan and the others who brought back medals which sum up to nineteen medals! Yay for the winners who bring up our school name which is the only Technical School that participated in the tournament.

We enjoyed it very much, our school last years seniors were there too, esp Fahir that kept talking and talking and gave us talks about girls, girls and GIRLS. Haha he was fun, though. We also met the world champion, Fatimah from Batu Kikir. She was great her technics in sparring were awesome! ( i got a video of her in youtube, check it out)

Right now my friends and I plus the seniors are getting ready for the next tournament, Combat Sport Carnival which will be held on 11-13 December. The winners will be chosen to compete in Sukma 2010. This is a rare opportunity for me and my friends so we had to train as hard as we can and do our best. :S Uuu takutnyaaaa

Okay guys, we know that you are happy

School's Over Hoyeahh

School is over and the last week of school ended quite great, I'm going to miss the memories with my dormates but hey, we can meet again next year, kan? :)

A few weeks ago an annual dinner for the seniors was held it was kind of a blast, actually. I took part and performed ; Wani, Emy and Mas played the caklempong while I played the tamborine well I thought the dinner would be boring but it was quite fun, our seniors dresses up like Wow! All of them dressed up like Wow, the guys were smart ; from Baju Melayu to tuxedos and the girls wore very beautiful outfits plus their jewelleries (memang macam artis lah aku cakap kau) Not to forget the juniors band performance was great, they were supposed to perform five songs, two of them were Bittersweet songs but some of the teachers didn't agree of the loud music so they had to perform just three songs. But that's okay, it was still a thumbs up for them!

This was the time after we had finished perform, these guys performed zapin while the girls performed silat (don't you think the girls should do the dance and the guys should do the opposite? Hm) They went crazy and try to feed each other hoyeah it was a crack. :D

The last day of school. As you can see the dorm is very clean, we are getting ready for the last day of school, and all of us can't wait to get home and get out from this wicked school !

A day bfore we go home we went to an expo. We had a lot of fun, I just love you guys. :)

November 15, 2008

Hinder-Without you

Hinder – Without You

I just wanna be alone tonight
I just wanna take a little breather
Cause lately all we do is fight
And every time it cuts me deeper

Cause something’s changed
You’ve been acting so strange
And its taking its toll on me
Its safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine
Without you

Called you up cause’ it’s been long enough
And you said that you were so much better
We have done a lot of growing up
We were never meant to be together

Cause something changed, you were acting so strange
And it’s taken its toll on me
It’s safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine
Without you

Cause something changed, you were acting so strange
And it’s taken its toll on me
It’s safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine,
Without you
Without you
Without you
Without you
I just wanna be alone tonight,
I just wanna take a little breather.

This song is my current favourite song, fyi. I just wish I'm fine without you.