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November 13, 2011

Coming to the end

Cuti sudah hampir sampai ke penghujungnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Walaupun aku agak kebosanan sebab cuti ni tak buat apa apa sangat pun, tapi lepas ni nak masuk belajar balik. Tak bestnyaaaa. Tapi look at the brightside, otak berfungsi la sikit, berjalan sikit, belajar, pergi kelas dan berosial sikit -_- *think positive think positive* Fourth semester is going to start on 21st, last semester before intersession lepas tu habis diploma! Yey :)

Have to work hard sampai habis diploma. Banggakan mak bapak sikit.

And Alhamdulillah for the results. Aku bukak e-mail pun pasrah gila haritu. Hehe syukurrr.

Hah! Let's see the list yang aku buat dulu, list apa-nak-dibuat-time-cuti-semester-ni -

1. Do sit ups or push ups ke everyday - FAILED. Sehari je buat -_- Tah pape
2. Lepak with my friends, if ada yang ajak, I'll go. - Luckily ada keluar :-D 
3. Keluar jenjalan sambil bawak my other boyfriend selain Ajwad, Mr.Nikong. - Masa pergi konsert Aisyah je kot -_______- Yay me..
4. Maybeeeeee, improve my skills on guitar. - I don't know if Im improving or not. Sold my guitar already..
5. Play games! - Hells Kitchen, Tumblebugs, Diner Dash, games yang ada dalam phone Ibu. Uh-huh
6. Go a little bit of shopping. Nak beli t-shirt and bag.  - Ada la sikit.. But no t-shirt and bag :S
7. Nak kerja ekceli. - MMG TAK 

Ehehehe so that's it. Tak memuaskan pong -_-
Sometimes I just can't wait to start studying again, sebab otak at least berjalan. Cuma bila tengok subjek yang erghhhhhhhhhhhh, tak semangat. But, have to gather the strength! Tak boleh lengah-lengah kerja, buruk padahnya (Aku rasa tiap2 kali nak belajar cakap macam ni. Ptui!) 

So, enjoy this last week, people. Then we're back on track. Student life~

Oh Yeah~ 

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