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November 12, 2011

Tag dari Cikcit

Nak jawab soalan je boleh tak? Lol

 Here it goes X) [Ketahuilah aku memang malas nak tag orang ni. Kecuali kalau betul2 ada mood, itu pun rare]

1. What was your first impression when you saw me?
First jumpa masa Cikcit nak keluar rumah, aku dgn Ibu nak masuk tengok-tengok rumah first day register diploma ritu. Berborak sekejap dgn Ibu, she's friendly :)

2. What do you think of me now?
Fun! Hehe, but memang betul la, macam makcik-makcik :p Suka membebel je hahahahihihuhuhu :p

3. What do you think about my blog?
Nicely done :) 

4. What Korean drama do you guys love the most?
Typical tapi, Boys Over Flowers :p

5. What do you guys think will happen if the world was only lived by beautiful and and handsome people?
Then there will be no ugly people. Thats good, but weird

6. Could you live with only RM50 a month in this time zone?
I don't know. Nak try lah X)

7. What would you do if a friend you really trust is actually stabbing you at the back?
Remind myself - that is not a friend. 

8. Do you think I should start writing in Bahasa?
English pun okay :-D

9. Would you prefer to date a Korean or an European? 
Korean la kot? Tapi diorang flawless. Aku ni T.T 

10. What was your hardest break-up?
It was the hardest break-up so its kinda hard to say :p Buahahahaha

11. What do you guys think about my style of clothing?
Comfortable kot? And unique! Tang shawl dia. Haha

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha... sorry le thirot.. aku kena tagg hari tu, aku pun jarang buat tag ni, maleh.. tetiba ada mood pulak.. and then xtahu nak tag sape.. tag jela blog2 gempak yang aku tahu... hehe... thanks anyways :)