Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?

My photo
Budak kurang sosial, kot.

October 30, 2010

Masalah Kelaparan

Boleh kata, setiap malam aku lapar. Dan setiap bangun pagi perut aku dah mula berbunyi.

Perut, behave okay? Aku tengah saving ni kot. Jangan bagi aku keluar duit melebih2 sebab nak layan kau je. Hahahaha.

Ok bye. Harini konon-konon nak study. :D

Day 3

Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.

My idea of perfect date eh? Hahaha, wuyo. Kalau dah so many dates dah macam mana ni? I like things to go secara spontan, tak expect much. As long as ada dengan kita, pun dah cukup perfect lah kot bagi aku. Lepas tu kalau pergi buat something fun ke! Macam pergi Cosmo World ke *keningkening, jungle trekking ke main sports ke apa ke baru best kot? Hahahaha, I mean bukan la sekadar pergi tengok movie or setakat jalan2, teringin jugak nak pergi somewhere adventureous.

..Ceh ni semua konon-konon je. HAHAHAHAHA.

I don't expect much. Spontan lagi best. :)

Korang pulak?

October 28, 2010

Saya Nak Ini Jugak

I want this.

Day 2

Day 2 - Your favourite movie

500 Days Of Summer. One of my favourites la actually, banyak lagi favourite lain. Tapi yang ni yang most recent aku tengok selain Dear John hihihi. Aku taktau la aku yang ketinggalan ke apa -.- But the movie was great.

"A different kind of love story: an honest one that takes a piece out of you."

"It's more like a love story in a blender. What is unexpected is the sincerity beneath the modest conceit that, yup, love hurts."

Summer: You weren't wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me.
Summer: I woke up one morning and I just knew.
Tom: Knew what?
Summer: What I was never sure of with you.

Summer : Well, you know, I guess it's 'cause I was sitting in a deli and reading Dorian Gray and a guy comes up to me and asks me about it and... now he's my husband.
Tom : Yeah. And... so?
Summer : So, what if I'd gone to the movies? What if I had gone somewhere else for lunch? What if I'd gotten there 10 minutes later? It was - it was meant to be. And... I just kept thinking... Tom was right.
Tom : No.
Summer : Yeah, I did.
Summer : I did. It just wasn't me that you were right about.

October 27, 2010

Day 1 - Your Favourite Song

I have loads of songs that I loveeeeeeeeeee.

Tapi nak satu je. SATU JE. Ok susah gila nak pilih.

Favourite song jatuh kepadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..

Avenged Sevenfold - Seize the Day

Taktau nak describe macam mana, tapi I love the lyrics. ♥
Thanks to tak-ingat-siapa sebab introduce lagu ni dekat page Myspace dulu kalau tk silap hahaha.

Ok thats it la for today. :D

Tahu, post ni boring.

PS : I'm a hardcore fan XD

Cabaran Tiga Puluh Hari? Ada Bran?

Going to do this! Tapi bukan harini lah kot :D But as soon as possible. Jom ah buattttttttt, :)

Day 1 — Your favorite song
Day 2 — Your favorite movie
Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date.
Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.
Day 5 – How important you think education is?
Day 6 – A photo of an animal you’d love to keep as a pet.
Day 7 – Your dream wedding.
Day 8 – A song to match your mood.
Day 9 – A photo of the item you last purchased.
Day 10 – A photo of our favorite place to eat.
Day 11 – What’s in your makeup bag?
Day 12 – Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 13 – Your views on drugs and alcohol
Day 14 – A TV show you’re currently addicted to.
Day 15 – Something you don’t leave the house without.
Day 16 – Your view on homosexuality.
Day 17 – How you hope your future will be like.
Day 18 – 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/same sex
Day 19 – Your reflection in the mirror
Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.
Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23 – 15 facts about you.
Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25 – Who are you?
Day 26 – A photo of somewhere you want to go.
Day 27 – What kind of person attracts you?
Day 28 – In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Well, maybe bukan setiap hari, maybe selang-selang kot. Maklumlah tengah final, tapi menggatal jugak nak online kan hehe. Okay, go!

Say Goodnight - Bullet for My Valentine

October 25, 2010


I'm on stress now.

..Cewah padahal sempat lagi tengok The Last Song malam tadi ngehehehe. Adoi, dua hari jeeeeeee lagi, and the battle begins.


Tak mahu ckp lah. Haha.

Lepas baca blog Nad, baru perasan diorang tak belajar Economics dengan MGT. Bestlahhhh, kurang sikit beban nak membaca tu. Macam sekarang ni, aku rasa yang banyak kira2 pun Math dengan Akaun je, Economics tu sikit2 je. Yg lain, membaca. Buku tebal *#@&%(*!%&*@#(&%.
Hah. And bila dah akhir2 exam dah kurang gap dah, need to focus!

Baru sekarang I feel the pressure.

Hehehehehe, malam ni tengok Grown Ups pulak XD

October 23, 2010



October 21, 2010

Something Told Me To Stay,

"I am not a perfect lover. I say what’s on my mind. I start fights. I get jealous and sometimes I don’t want to understand things to avoid pain. I am demanding. I am childish. I am moody. But there are three things that I love about me. I am faithful, sweet and when I chose him, it is only him."

PS : Im broke.

"I am not a perfect lover. I say what’s on my mind. I start fights. I get jealous and sometimes I don’t want to understand things to avoid pain. I am demanding. I am childish. I am moody. But there are three things that I love about me. I am faithful, sweet and when I chose him, it is only him."

"I am not a perfect lover. I say what’s on my mind. I start fights. I get jealous and sometimes I don’t want to understand things to avoid pain. I am demanding. I am childish. I am moody. But there are three things that I love about me. I am faithful, sweet and when I chose him, it is only him."

"I am not a perfect lover. I say what’s on my mind. I start fights. I get jealous and sometimes I don’t want to understand things to avoid pain. I am demanding. I am childish. I am moody. But there are three things that I love about me. I am faithful, sweet and when I chose him, it is only him."

October 20, 2010

You Wish!

Things I wish to do after exam is overrrrrrrrrr :

1. Learn guitar, secara sendiri or ada personal tutor cettt. I wish I could play at least 10 different songs, pakej dengan nyanyian sekali. Haha seriously I suck when playing + singing at the same time.

2. I told everyone I want to go Genting Highlandswith my friends! Siap tanya tiket pergi balik berapa. Haha, boleh lah simpan duit sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit. Lepas tu boleh beronggeng kan.

3. Luangkan sepenuh masa dengan Incik Nikon sayaaaaaaa! Maaf saya salah sebab tinggalkan awak selama ni. Sobzzzzzz.

4. Drive drive and drive! Kesian ek dah berhabuk lesen baru dapat drive balik.

5. Spend more quality time with my family.


7. Survey gadgets and more gadgets. Saya tekankan lagi sekali, survey je ok. Belum beli lagi, belum. Duit aku bukan datang melayang je.

8. Watch as many movies as I could! Tengok sampai terbonjol biji mata pun bolehhhhhh :D

9. I WANT A SUGARGLIDERRRRRRRRR. Tapi mahal sangat, RM300. :( Dulu bela kura-kura baru RM7 seekor hahaha.

..... dan banyak lagi!

Kita tengok la berapa kerat je yang jalan. Kalau bab bab berbelanja ni, kurang sikit untuk direalisasikan kot. Heh.

We want all the things in this world, but we never realised what we really need until we lose it.

October 17, 2010

Hari Kita Menang Tu

Komander Nilam, Nizam,

Kami jumpa budak ni dekat Puncak Alam yang besar tu! :D


Hahahaha semangat. Aku paling anti dengan tudung sarung ni, nasib baik la berbaloi ehe ehe.

PS - Keinginan baru ; Pergi Genting beramai-ramai! Naaaaaaaaaaak pergiiiiiiiiiiiii

Kan dah kata kita boleh?

We did it, guys. Eventhough ada yang salah, tapi itu tak cukup untuk buat kita goyah and screw up.

We didn't expect, but Im happy that we won. :D :D :D

Kan dah kata kita boleh?

Thanks kau orang sebab banyak benda yang aku dapat belajar sepanjang kita berlatih together gether.

Psst, kredit lah untuk kami2 yang asalnya dari akaun *kening2

Hahaha, come on lah TEKAUNNNNNNNNN :D :D *TEKA + Akaun


October 14, 2010


Lebih kurang 2 minggu before final, and I have to start studying instead of facebooking or blogging, eh? Haha, mentang-mentang harini tak ada kawad, series wa rasa lapang la sikit malam-malam. Boleh la rileks sikit. Kawad tak ada pun sebab ada jamuan Kesatria malam ni, and budak2 kawad are not allowed to go. T.T Taktahu kenapa, tapi memang aku malas nak pergi pun hahaha XD

So lebih kurang dua hari je lagi kitorang kena practice before the competition, and I can't waittttt!

Sepanjang latihan, I saw something. I realised something. And I hope, we can reach to that point.

No offence. This is just my piece of mind.

From the first day, teamwork memang tak ada langsung. Mostly, masing-masing ikut kepala masing-masing. Sama juga la dengan aku, jujur. Tak ambil series pasal team ni pun, sekadar datang, berlatih, habis berlatih, balik. That's the routine, without feeling anything. Macam, tak kisah sangat pasal apa-apa pun. Dan kebanyakannya, termasuk aku, tak ambil series tentang benda ni.

There's no teamwork.

Orang dari luar boleh perasan, aku yang ada dalam team tu lagilah terasa. And it's so obvious that semua ikut kepala sendiri je, until people outside pun boleh tahu, apa yang kurang.

Kerjasama tu. That bond.

Sekadar menerima teguran, and thats it. Masih belum ada bond tu.

Tapi as time passes by aku dapat rasa kot apa yang makin lain sekarang ni, and proud to say aku percayakan kumpulan ni. Although our courses are different, I have to be them. I have to be one of them, automatically, I am one of them. Pressure everyday makes us realise kot, that we have to be serious this time, and aku turun latihan for the sake of the team, and I really hope others do the same. Sekarang aku rasa makin ada komunikasi, we improve ourselves, calm the situation when it's getting tensed.

We are no difference actually.

Together we are one.

Let's get serious and don't let this team down.

Aku percaya kita boleh buat.

Nampak tak kita tengah improving? :)

I like that, rasa macam its really worth it bila terpaksa korbankan masa latihan hari-hari. Memang masih belum sempurna, memang ada cacat cela lagi.

Tapi nampak tak kita makin hampir? Close to that point?

Where we unite.

Bila kita dah genggam itu, I believe we can achieve what we want. In this case, kita semua nak capai benda yang sama.

Before kita pandai-pandai cakap nak berjaya, a powerful bond is needed.

Dan sekarang masanya. We will get through.

Aku tahu aku hanya antara minoriti, tapi sekarang aku dah boleh rasa that connectivity that makes me proud of us.

Kerjasama. Teamwork. Itu yang paling penting sekarang, and thats why Wonderpets asyik ulang je benda alah tu ek?

It is really that important.

Sikit lagi kawan-kawan, we'll reach to the top.


PS - Tak faham takpelah. Saja-saja je menulis pagi2 buta ni.

October 13, 2010


1.52 a.m. , 1 Oktober 2010

Saat ini, aku sudah mula lemah, hampir jatuh.
Sungguh, kau lebih layak mempunyai seorang yang jauh lebih baik, jauh lagi secocok, dengan kau yang bagi aku ; cukup
Saat ini juga, hati aku mula celaru. Kalau boleh secebis pun aku tak ingin peduli.
Tapi sayang, aku lemah.

Kau, memberi senyuman yang paling manis, dengan tiada cacat cela, sepenuh hati - sempurna
Itu pun sudah cukup membuat aku rasa seperti orang yang paling istimewa, kau tahu.

Aku? Dengan cacat lagi, senyuman aku tak sempurna.
Membuat kau seperti ragu untuk senyum balik untuk aku, barangkali sekadar untuk menyedapkan hati, kau senyum saja.

Kau tahu, kalau boleh aku ingin melepaskan saja.
Agar kau tak terseksa.
Kalau boleh, aku mahu lari, cukup jauh sehingga kau tak perlu lagi mengejar, tak perlu bersusah lagi mencari aku.
Sungguh, aku bukan yang terbaik.

Sayang, kau buat aku terfikir, kau buat aku terduduk diam, apa yang aku ada untuk kau, sebenarnya kosong.
Dengan senyuman kau yang sempurna, dibalas balik dengan senyuman yang penuh cacat dan cela.

Aku baru sedar, rupanya aku tiada apa yang bagus. Hanya menyusahkan, mencacatkan, yang meletihkan kau.

Kalau aku tidak berperasaan, aku lepaskan saja.
Kalau kau tidak berperasaan, aku pedulikan saja.

Memang tak.

Hati aku tak benarkan.
Hati kau, tak mahu aku lukakan.

Walau kau sudah terguris sebenarnya. Aku seorang yang buta, yang tidak boleh memandang, yang pentingkan diri, yang tidak
mahu berubah.

Aku sangka aku sudah buat habis baik.
Kau sudah lama terusik, kau sudah lama merasa letih.

Mengapa perlu kau rahsiakan selama ni,
Kini aku sudah terlalu berat hati untuk melepaskan, walaupun sebenarnya, sepatutnya, aku yang pergi.

Kalau boleh aku pergi.
Tapi hati aku ada pada kau, hati kau, milikku.
Enggan aku lepaskan. Tak mahu.

Bila kau ucap kau letih, dunia aku seolah menjadi gelap. Gelita, hitam seluruhnya.
Rupanya ini yang kau rasa, aku tak pernah mengerti.

Kan dah kata, aku seorang yang buta.

Masih ada ruang untuk seorang aku dalam letih kau itu? Masih ada secebis harapan untuk aku menggantikan letih kau itu?

Kalau ada, bilang ada.

Kalau tak ada, tak mengapa. Aku sudah tahu jawapan.

Tuhan, tolong kuatkan aku. Aku benci situasi ni. Kalau ada dia untuk aku, ada lah.
Kalau tidak, jauhkanlah.

Aku boleh kebalkan hati aku siap-siap, walau aku tahu hati aku akan berkecai juga.

Hei, selamat sembilan bulan bersama. Masih sudi kau bersama aku?

Baik Punya

Teringin sangat nak update blog ni, selalu jugak menghadap blog yang bosan ni, tak ada post baru. Ceh, kering dah idea ni. And sekarang ni tengah ada idea mencurah-curah la jugak. Well, sekarang ni macam dah lewat sgt nak update, tidur lagi best. :D So I guess I'll save it for later. Harap-harap idea masih tak basi lah ek esok esok?


You don't know me well.

October 12, 2010

Otak blank malam ni. I dont even know what to do, eventhough I have three homeworks and assignments to do.

1. Hafal skrip drama untuk BEL(english class) - yang ini paling aku malas nak tengok, lima pages kot! I don't see what is so important that everyone have to memorise the script. Last2, sorang dari satu group je yang akan berlakon dekat depan. Do you see how beban it is for us? Adooooooooi. Harap2 aku tak kena la esok hihihihihi. AMINNNNNNNNNNNNN. Amin la ramai2, biar makbul ok.

2. Homework akaun - Sumpah kerja ni aku terlupa nak buat, my bad. So malam ni ingat nak tiru je jawapan, nak tiru pun aku tak larat. Nak menulis pun macam harammmmmmmmmmm, kaku.

3. Kuiz AIS - Ok yg ini aku baru nak start baca esok. Doa-doa lah tiba tiba lecturer kata ' Okaaaay harini kita buat kuiz openbook eh eh eh :D' Memang aku happy :'D

What bothers me is, kawad kot. Boleh bikin gua stress sebab latihan kawad ambil masa berjam2 sampai tengah malam pun boleh. We end up getting tired, mana nak buat kerja kan, masing2 dh ngantuk. Ye, dah cuba untuk kuatkan mata kuatkan semangat tapi otak susah nak berjalan. Seriously, lepas kawad ni habis, memang aku lipat terus baju2 kawad ni ha. Ok ok over.

Konklusi, I didnt get anything tonight. Tidur jelah lagi bagus!


October 10, 2010

John and Savannah

Weekend ni sepatutnya gunakan masa untuk study. Esok dah start kena kerah time latihan kawad, pertandingan hari sabtu, time study week pulak tu? So kena pandai2 curi masa nak cover every subjects kalau nak empat rata. Hari ni hari Ahad kan? Free kan? Apa kata pergi study?


Harini aku bangun pun pukul 9 setengah! Bangun2 cuci muka terus menghadap laptop! Masih lemah lagi iman aku niii, haha.

Dengan mata kanan berair lagi, ish tak pasal mata kecik sebelah. :(

Dah dah. Bye semua.

October 03, 2010

Terliuq ni!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Nak :(

Tambahan untuk 25 Random Things tu,

26. Makanan kegemaran aku ; Nasi Paprik + telur dadar. Series wa tak pernah bosan dengan lauk ni! Makan hari2 pun boleh! Ops semangatnya.
27. Im not good with directions. Yes, kalau kau orang tanya aku jalan nak ke mana2, kau dah salah orang. Aku bukan GPS yang baik. Tapi sekarang aku tengah cuba sedaya upaya hafal jalan! Haha

Memang kerja aku buat tag je pagi2 buta ni. -.- Haha, takpe, aku tengah boring ni. Lepas gian jap nak buat tag.

1. Last beverage: Teh Ais?
2. Last phone call: Budak bola
3. Last text message: Din Selamat
4. Song stuck in your head: Tenth Avenue North - By Your Side
5. Last time you cried: Tett

6. Dated someone twice: Heh
7. Been cheated on: I.think.so
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: ver .9. Lost someone special: Yes .10. Been depressed: Sometimes11. Been drunk and threw up: Never :)LIST TWO FAVORITE COLOURS:12. Pink13. PurpleTHIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2010)14. Made a new friend: A LOT !15. Fallen in love: YES !16. Laughed until you cried: Most of the times .17. Met someone who changed you: I think so :)18. Found out who your true friends were: Yes19. Found out someone was talking about you: IDK20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally: No :)21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Half maybe :)22. How many kids do you want to have: As many as possible23. Do you have any pets: Used to ,24. Do you wanna change your name: Never25. What did you do for your last birthday: Live it , have fun !26. What time did you wake up today: 6 am27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Listening to songs until I fall asleep28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Meeting somebody29. Last time you saw your Mother: Just now30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing :)32. What are you listening to right now: Airplanes33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Blank35. Most visited webpage: Facebook36. What's your real name: Nur Safina Izwani binti Rumli37. What's your nickname: Pina , Deqna , Fina , Ina , Adik ,and somes :)38. Relationship Status: Its complicated ,39. Zodiac sign: Virgo40. Male or female: Female.41. Elementary school: SMKA Al-Irshad42. Middle school: SKSD43. High school/college: SMKA Al-Irshad44. Hair colour: Black45. Long or short: Let it be my secret46. Height: 162 cm .47. Do you have a crush on someone: Most of the times48: What do you like about yourself: Everything49. Piercings: No50. Tattoos: Never51. Righty or lefty: Righty !FIRSTS:52. First surgery: Never so far .53. First piercing: Cant recall :)54. First best friend: Amira :)55. First sport you joined in: Cant recall56. First vacation: Kampung :D LOL58. First pair of trainers: Cant recall :)59. Eating: IDK60. Drinking: As soon as I was born :)61. I'm about to: Sleep62. Listening to: Songs63. Waiting for: himYOUR FUTURE :64. Want kids: A lot !65. Get Married: Of course , SUNNAH66. Career: Any job , that will make my life interesting :)WHICH IS BETTER:67. Lips or eyes: Lips68. Hugs or kisses: Kisses69. Shorter or taller: Taller70. Older or Younger: Any both :)71. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneously Romantic ♥72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Nice arms73. Sensitive or loud: Loud74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble makerHAVE YOU EVER :76. Kissed a stranger: Never77. Drank hard liquor: Never.78. Lost your glasses/ contact: Last several months79. Sex on first date: Never80. Broken someone's heart: I think so81. flirted with a hot guy: I'll try , HAHAA82. Been arrested: Never83. Turned someone down: I think so84. Cried when someone died: Yes85. Fallen for a friend: Yes used toDO YOU BELIEVE IN:86. Yourself: Always87. Miracles: YES88. Love at first sight: Sometimes89. Heaven: YES90. Santa Claus: I used to91. Kiss on the first date: *grin92. Angels: YesANSWER TRUTHFULLY:94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Never95. Did you sing today: Most of the time96. Ever cheated on somebody: Uncountable97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: As far as I can98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: That time That time99. Are you afraid of falling in love: Kind of100. Have you ever got sexually aroused before: I dont think so

Seronok menyanyi dalam tempat bergema ni

Ok Im home.

Aku dah melanggar prinsipppppppppppp! Hahaha, which is tak balik until study week ni. -.- Oh fainnnn, aku givap. Minggu ni balik pun sebab nak ambil kasut, untuk dua minggu ni aku pakai sepasang je kasut, kasut yang dah nak sampai ajal pulak tu, terbaik betul la kan? Besides, nak beli lens baru pulak, lens lama dah expired. En yu no wat?

Power aku dah naik, dulu 200, sekarang 250. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tak suka tak suka tak suka. Jadi sekarang aku perlukan petua, siapa siapa? Yang boleh kurangkan power niiiiii? Orang kata makan karot tapi tak menjadi pung? Ke aku yang salah petua? Ishhhhhhhhhhh cukup2 lah power ni, jgn naik lagi la.

Oh ya, sekarang rumah ni under renovation dekat hall, tukar tiles. Ceh, bukanlah tukar kepada tiles yang lebih mahal, rumah kerajaan je kot. Haritu Ibu kata tiles pecah ke apa benda tah, so kena tukar semua sekali. Habis barang dekat hall semua diangkut dalam bilik mana yang muat. Obviously, bilik aku la paling banyak barang, sebab aku jarang dekat rumah. So yeah, tadi bila masuk bilik kerusi kayu atas katil aku. Memang bestttttttttt! Tapi tadi dah angkut la keluar sikit2, cukup2 ruang untuk aku tidur, huuuu. Hopefully malam ni takde asthma attack ah, disebabkan habuk2 yang ada kt dalam bilik tu. Aminnn.

And now it's time to online! Haha, esok kena bangun awal pagi, adeh. Memang agak liat la kan nak bangun awal pagi ni, sekarang pun dah pukul 2. Paling2 awal pun pukul 10 kot? Heeeeee.

Wish me luck. :P

Sekarang, mari kita ber-Pokemon!

PS : Nidorina akuuuuuu dia disobey arahan! :'( Buat penat je naikkan level dia sampai 30+

Fuh Tagged diaaaaaaa.

Kali ni tag from?
Syazwani Zaki

1. How many exes do you have?

2. How many did you love?

3. Who is the ONE ex you want to be with again and why?
None. History, teruskan jadi history.

4. Does that person trust you?
I dont know anymore.

5. Do you trust them?
Ai oso donno laaaaaaaaa.

6. Who was the best kisser you had?
AICEHHHH soalan dia

7. The worst?

8. Did you ever tell an ex you wanted them back and changed your mind?
I think so.

9. Did someone do that to you?

10. Who was the most romantic ex you had?
Halah time indah memang semua romantik kan? Haha X)

11. The least romantic?

12. Did any cheat on you?

13. Did you ever cheat?
Yup too.

14. Is there anything you want to say to an ex? what?

15. What is your idea of a perfect relationship?
Completing each other.

16. The perfect date?
As long as he's here, its perfect already.

17. Did you and an ex have a special spot you went to together?
Cerita lama.

18. If so, Would you take another g/f or b/f there?
Tak payah la. Kan dah bukak cerita baru? Ehee

19. What is your perfect partner like?

20. Do you believe in internet dating?
No, not really.

21. Does it ever work out?

Semua dialu-alukan untuk buat tag ni, sekian.
