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June 12, 2011

Of Giorgio Armani and Pavlovas

Friday - Lepak-ing bersama budak bola, well more lepak borak-borak then watching movies, ice-skating bla-bla-bla. Just lepak and bought something for him, the restttttt just talk talk talk sampai penat hehe. It doesn't matter if we're on a distance, it doesn't matter.


Saturday - Semalam pulaaaaaa, celebrated Naziha's belated birthday! She turned 19 already people! Bwehehehe, got her Diana F+ and pavlovas hehehe sedaaaap hoii. It was a great night, main games and all that. Malas nak describe, ekceli taktau macam mana nak describe sebab terlalu besttt :DD Happy belated birthday, best friend.

Sunday - Arrived Puncak jam 8 lebih pagi. Tak tahu exact time but around tu lah, tukar baju then pooof. Atas katil sampai pukul 11 haha. x) Well, most time I'm on the bed. Heavennn. 

And nowwwwwwwww, macam biasa tunggu gambar-gambar di-upload. Buahaha XD

PS - I got a cardigan and I want moreeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Takde now playing harini sebab Magrib hihihi

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