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May 08, 2010

Tag #7

Ok, semenjak dua menjak ni memang tak terusik sangat blog ni. Tak ada mood. Semua yang nak pergi matriks dah nak tinggalkan aku dah. T.t

Ok touching.

Here it goes,
it's harder than it looks
copy to your own notes
erase my answer
enter yours and tag twenty(20) people
use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions..
they have to be real
nothing made up
if the person before u had the same first initial,u must use different answer
u cannot use any words twice

u can't use ur name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name : Athirah
A four letter word : Ayam
A boy's name: Ajwad haha!
A girl's name: Aisyah
an occupation: Artist?
a colour: Aqua Blue?
something ur wear: Anak tudung(?!)
a food: Ayam Golek
something found in the bathroom: Air
a place: Sikamat : Australia
a reason to being late: Aku sembelit
something u shout: Aisyahhhhhhhhh! Janganlah!(aku selalu jerit dekat adik aku)
a movie title: A Walk To Remember :')
something u drink: Apple Juice, nyummy
a musical group: Antic Cafe
an animal: Alligator
a street name: ??
a type of car: Alza

20 People I Tag, eh. 10 orang je lah. Hahaha

1. Saufi
2. Asyila
3. Dahiyah
4. Naziha
5. Ummi Amirah
6. Faiz
7. Aiman
8. Nadnod
9. Sam
10. Izzyan

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