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January 01, 2010


Its new year, new life, new determination! Wee

Aku macam tak boleh terima lagi aku dah 18. Wallawey, Im facing the world, bukan macam dulu, pergi sekolah je, lepas ni, satu dunia aku kena hadap. 2009's already in my book of history. And memories. Hehe. Aku tak boleh recall sangat satu2 yang jadi dalam tahun 2009, tapi tahun terakhir dekat TTJ - unforgetable. Dua tahun hidup dekat asrama adalah sikit2 kot mengubah aku, because I feel a lot different now. And I hope its a good change, eh.

Harini tak ada plan nak keluar, Ibu pun dok sibuk dengan sekolah dia, harini kena pergi sekolah mak bapak nak datang bayar yuran bagai, harapanlah aku dapat ajak Ibu keluar jalan2. -.-'
And I think I have to get ready for the law test, Ibu keeps reminding me to get ready for that, like she's the one who is going to take the test. Hahaha jangan risau lah Ibu, senang je ni. :/ For this time being Im waiting for Ziha to finish her KPP, then we'll go to the test together, :)

Today, I just made a decision. I am happy, with someone. MAHAHA <33 p/s : The reunion on the 30th was great, and I was happy meeting with old friends, semua dah besar, semua dah lain.

Aw we look so cute kan sakinah kan hehe


Kerek merek


Z said...

ewah siapa dia yg buat kau happy tuuuuu. haha gmba kerek xbole bla do

Anonymous said...

wei geli do gamba tu. haaha