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September 06, 2008


I fill my leisure time in my dormitory reading Uglies. Actually this i Alin's novel that I borrowed last year, I guess. Remember this, Alin? I don't know why the hell this novel are still with me. Lol I wanted to return it to her but she said 'simpanlah dulu, nanti beg aku berat'. Haha so that's why, it's not my fault kot. But I'll return it to you when we meet again(which I don't know when). I didn't finished reading it because I thought it was not an interesting novel at all. I like the cover, though. Then recently I brought this book and read it again as I don't have other novels to read. It was very cool! A veryveryvery cool novel. Its a book about life in the future, so many imagination in this novel the author is so great I tell you. The story has two worlds; the Uglies and the Pretties. You'll get to be pretty when you turn sixteen, whoah that was cool enough. You should read this book and if you already did, why don't you give some comments about the novel? I guess I have to buy another book ; Pretties for more adventure. :)

1 comment:

Lin said...

lol. aku igt weyh. =p