Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?

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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

April 25, 2012


Salah satu sebab aku suka browse Korean music videos/pictures. Wahahaha! Therapy ok.

April 24, 2012

It's 2 a.m., I'm still not sleepy and I don't know when I'll go to bed. Since I only have one class tomorrow, I guess it's okay to stay up this late. Ekeke, yes Im in  college doing my intersession. All I can say about intersession is, it is not like what I thought before, totally different. You have more free time yet you get tons of assignments and presentations that needed to be done in a short time. But you'll still have time to watch at least one movie a day like me :p Hiks.

Anyways, I hope I'll do just fine this time, just like my previous semesters.

Since there's nothing more to write about my studies as they are boring to share, I'll stop here.

Haha tak bermakna gila post aku sekarang ni -.-

I wonder where my ideas have gone, it seems like I don't feel like writing and if I do, I would just delete all the things that I wrote. It feels like what I write has no meanings, it's like I'm writing without feeling it (whatever it means) My skills in writing kot? :( I need to improve, I used to love writing but I wonder where the passion go nowadays.

And I miss sketching too :(

I'm changing, and I don't know whether I like it or not.


April 18, 2012

Manusia, tak pernah puas, kan?

We have everything that we need yet we ask for more. 

There are times, we expect something to be what we want them to be

We even expect someone to be what we want them to be, yet we didn't realise, are we good enough for them?

Apa yang kita harapkan terbaik dari orang tu, kita ni dah cukup baik ke? 

'I don't need much, I just need someone who could understand me the way I am' Do we even try understand people? 

'To my future wife/husband, please *insert everything good that you want them to be for you*' Are we confident enough that other people would think us as good as what we want them to be?

April 14, 2012

Kita sentiasa berusaha. 
Usaha kecil mana pun, ianya tetap usaha. 
Usaha untuk menggembirakan keluarga, usaha untuk solat pada awal waktu, usaha untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang lebih baik, bahkan usaha untuk tidak terhangguk hangguk dalam kelas yang terpaling bosan, ianya tetap usaha. 

Kita juga berusaha untuk membuat orang bahagia, menggembirakan hati insan sekeliling.

Pernahkah sampai satu masa itu, rasanya, berbaloikah semua usaha yang kita lakukan untuk masa depan yang tak pasti? 

Betulkah itu semua usaha kita? Cukup atau tidak usaha itu, hasilnya apa? 

Did we even count them as our efforts? 

Karutan yang aku tulis ni, aku pun tak tahu pokok pangkalnya, atas dasar apa aku tulis ni. Cuma tertanya dengan masa depan yang tak pasti. Berbaloikah apa yang kita usahakan ini? 

Akhir kata, percaya saja cerita Tuhan. 

Usaha yang kita mampu

April 06, 2012

Rindunya rindunyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-( Lama sangat tak jenguk sini. Mood in writing pun mana pigi dah. Dulu time awal-awal jadi blogger peh, kalau boleh satu hari tu dua tiga atau mungkin sampai empat entry! Ada je benda nak cerita. Sekarang dah takda idea ke? Huu tak kreatip langsung wa ni. Nak cerita pasal hidup macam boring je pulak sebab aku punya life yang biasa-biasa je. Jangan terkubur dahlah blog ni. Sayang kot.

Well today is Friday, which is lagi dua hari nak masuk kolej balik. Dua hari k. Kejapnya cuti (eleh cuti lama mana pun mesti cakap tak cukup punya kekeke), seminggu ni hm takda benda sangat yang dibuat, duit pun tarak so memang duduk diam-diam dekat rumah. I hope this weekend ada jenjalan situ sana sini dengan family memandangkan adik yang belajar dekat Penang tu nak pulang harini hehe.

Aih, takda benda nak menulis sebenarnya. Saja menyinggah sapu-sapu habuk sikit.
