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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

December 23, 2011


Last night in Puncak for 2011. Because tomorrow Im going back home! Yay, can tidur lama-lama, tengok movie sampai lima satu hari, tak mandi sampai petang, stay up tanpa tujuan dan sebagainya. Ngehehehe. Amboiz gila kan. A little  bit excited jugak la nak cuti, although only one week (one week kan?) tapi ok whattt. Can golek-golek atas katil kesayangan and spend time with family. Hee, plus no books for one week! Wait, no. There's assignments, homeworks, blergh. I got two presentations to prepare, and it's going to be hectic when I go back to college next year. Jadual sekarang pun hectic je, full je memanjang. Dugaan. Penat, nak tidur pun tahan je nafsu. Hehehehe nasib baik katil atas rasa motivated sikit la supaya tak tidur je memanjang.

So basically, this is just a short update. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Next year, only a few days more :)


Still got class ma tomolo -.- Have to sleep, re-energized balik!

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