Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?

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Budak kurang sosial, kot.

January 30, 2011

Huwaaaaaaaaah, it's been a while kan? Tiap-tiap hari dok jenguk blog ni tapi tak udate pun, dok sibuk baca blog orang lain je.

First of all, happy holidays? Er, which I really can't feel it disebabkan homework yang belambak lambak. Tak pernah-pernah aku bawak sekali empat subjek balik rumah, itu pun tinggal satu subjek dekat kolej. Bukan satu dua soalan untuk setiap subjek, 6 pun tak cukup kot. T.T Haih, nasib. And I guarantee I will be back to college with unfinished assignments. Tee-hee. Perkara biasa.

So I didn't plan much for this one week break, this books that I have to bring home just turns off my mood, my life is good..

Despite having difficulties in playing the guitar and the tense moments with ze father plus people who succeeded in turning my moods upside down, I still love my life.

Sorry for the rojak. Aku memang suka tulis macam keling ni.

PS - Harini dah burn lagi satu hari untuk buat assignments dengan menonton Toy Story 3 yang touching tu. :'( Adeh

Boleh terima aku seadanya? Great!

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