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February 22, 2010

Is This What It Feels Like?

"Everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is." Young love seems to be sweet, innocent and carefree. Everyone's first love began with butterflies in their stomach, nervous laughs, being passionate about everything and thinking that he or she was "the one."

I believe life has planned something better for us in future. Because now I'm aching inside. Everything seems wrong, nothing feels okay. Nothing.


adam said...

cinta itu ibarat kentut
dipendam seksa
dilepaskan malu

betul tak?

si juliet said...

we do have many things in common dear ;(

AthirahShamsul said...

Adam : Macam kentut? Takde perbandingan lain ke HAHA

Syila : Yup!