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September 14, 2008


Haha gempak gila! I enjoyed it so much! Only the form fours took part because the form fives were in their trials. Although it was a little bit chaos(because most of the classes only practice for one day) it was great. The Mechanicals won the first prize. Alah budak budak lelaki je ramai, otak kreatif sikit kot. I was at the backstage when perdagangan class performed. Lakonan aku dah selesai, so aku duduk kat tepi saja dengan tera and others. Masa tu pasang lagu malam pesta muda mudi-GreySkyMorning, peh macam layan gig je time tu haha. Other songs was played too, all of them were indie songs(kat situ ramai budak indie kot?kononnya lah) and not to forget, there were shufflers too. Haha kelakar, boleh tahan lah mereka shuffle. wheeeeee, Overall it was great! I can see that all of us, well most of the students maybe, enjoyed the day so much.

The Winners! Mechanical Engineering

Commerce, sadly we lost

These are the guys, erhh

Can't forget the moments

Another mechanical picture

Chaaen, played the role of Gemilang bin Terbilang

Ammar was supposed to be Tuanku Abdul Rahman, but his pose doesn't suit TAR, eh

Haha, meet ajwad

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