Friday! Paling ditunggu-tunggu. Ngehehe, especially weekends. So much plans yet so little time, sobz. Weekend ni pun full of plans. Sama ada jadi ke tak, hehe. Akhirnya Jumaat dah datang, jadi Sabtu dan Ahad pun akan menyusul lah, seronoknyaaaaa. This weekend ingat taknak balik tapi sebab Ibu dah call pula tadi, tanya nak balik pukul berapa. Aih, akhirnya aku mengalah, balik lah jugak ya. Hehe,
Highlights for this week -
1. Aku stress dengan subjek Eco aku hantar sehelai je kertas kuiz, padahal berhelai-helai jawapan dia sebenarnya. Aku tak dapat buat, rasa give up betul nak keluar je dari kelas time tu jugak. Haih.. Sekarang dapat catch up sikit lah. I suck, I know.
2. AFTAS Futsal Night - It was fun. Dapat bersorak, actually tak ada la bersorak mana pun, tapi suara aku hilang, bajet macam bersorak habis kuat lah malam tu. And something bad happened time balik kolej :( Pity them, get well soooooooooon, and be strong.
3. Test ECO batal! Hoorayyyyy! Akanku cover balik apa-apa yang patut, InsyaAllah.
4. Watched Koizora. Hah ini best. :) Setelah sekian lamaaaaa aku cari movie ni, baru dapat tengok semalam. Heartbreaking, you should watch it. Entahlah, sentimental gila la cerita ni, sodih bonar.
"An excellent movie based on a true life story. Yui Aragaki gives the best performance I've seen of her so far. This movie has a little bit of everything: romance, happiness, sadness, laughter and tears. Loved it. It's sure to make females cry at the end."
"This was the best movie for me. a love story that at first, you thought that it would last a lifetime but suddenly, everything you thought was wrong. but then they know in their hearts that they still have each other even hiro died. no one can change what is destined to happen. it's quite like the movie 'a walk to remember."
Agak slow cerita dia, tapi at the ending was very heartbreaking. The guy cried, how he wanted to do so many things with Mika her girlfriend, so much but he is dying and there is nothing that he can do. Second time tengok cerita ni, still sedih haha. Tengok la tengok laaaaaaaaaa!
Miura Haruma ♥

Yuri Aragaki (Mika) and Miura Haruma (Hiro) ♥
Lovey dovey pulak aku, tapi cerita ni memang best!
That's all for today. Hahahaha. Chow!
#nowplaying Creep - Radiohead
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