Im soooooooooo glad i arrived home! Home Sweet Home Babehh! Last night we had fruit feast, it was a blast! i had a great night, i ate durians, mangosteens and langsat, wehoo sedap gila!
but unfortunately i had a lot of homework to do. accounting's homework. i can't catch up what the teacher taught me cause i missed two periods of accounting subject and followed a trip to MINT in Bangi. God, i have to study more on this subject. Sheesh, besides, i have to practice for my silat steps, the guru wants us to make our own silat steps in a group and present it in front of the others. what a shame, im not good in this thing, (but im quite happy when i got 90% in my silat grading) wish me luck. i don't want to get embarrassed. -.-'
*izyan said i get angry easily nowadays. i realised that and i hate it very much. i can't even understand what is wrong with me. my friends mostly said i'm unpredictable, and im quite agree with that because i can't even understand myself these days. what should i do? i really need someone, but who is that someone, i wonder. i thought it was you, dear. but.. ahhhhhh forget it. i need music, music is the best medicine(i guess)
i don't want to go back to school ! i hate the seniors ! hipohipohipokrittttt !
that's all for now, i'll write tomorrow, maybe! right now my eyes are to small to look at the screen. so, bye bye.

my dormates! but not everyone was in the picture. two person in this picture has moved out from this school, ill miss them :)
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