Belum Wordless Wednesday, haha. Ni Hungry Monday.
Hello, Is it Me You're Looking For?
March 19, 2012
Hi left-handed people!
Pagi-pagi ni mata macam susah sikit nak bukak, tapi kena bangun jugak sebab serba salah bila terfikirkan buku yang belum sentuh tu. Last semester kot! Nak golek-golek atas katil pun kena beragak sekarang, huu. Tadi rasa macam dah tak boleh tahan rasa nak terjun balik atas katil..tapi kalau macam tu aku tewas lah dengan diri sendiri. :( So tadi buat kerja meng-google, google apa?
Characteristics of Left-Handed. Ekekeke curious je.
Here's what I found -
Characteristics of Left-Handed. Ekekeke curious je.
Here's what I found -
- About 10% of the world’s population is left-handed. There is a genetic component that determines right versus left-hand dominance, and it’s called the LRRTM1 gene. People with this gene are more likely to be lefties.
- Leadership. About 66% of American presidents in the last 30 years were left-handed men. Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Fold were all left-handed presidents. Barack Obama and John McCain are both left-handed.
- Quick thinkers. Studies have shown that lefties are “exceptional.” Australian research shows that left-handed people think more quickly when playing computer games or sports. Left-handed people also tend to earn more money.
- Sexuality. Research from Canada reveals this interesting quality of left-handed people: they’re more likely to be homosexual.
- Independence: Some experts believe left-handed people are more independent because they’ve had to get along in a world that’s not made for them. Dr Peters says that lefties are “slightly more resistant to social pressures, to have more of an independent streak.”
- Adaptability: Canadian research shows that left-handed people are more adaptable than right-handed people. That is, a lefty can use her right hand to do tasks much easier than a righty can use his hand. Left-handed people seem to be able to switch over more easily.
- Left-handed people have a shorter lifespan than right-handed counterparts. Statistics reveal that left-handed people are more likely to succumb to accident fatalities and other injuries that arise out of a state of 'affliction'. This is mainly due to majority people in the world being right-handed and hence the overall design of utilities being designed to accommodate the majority. Left-Hander Syndrome is a condition that is seen in left-handed people who are forced to write with their right hand; thus causing a mental state of confusion. (Fact tak boleh pergi, Left-handed syndrome?!)
Ni a fews of them lah, for more you can click here and here! Diorang siap ada Left-Handers Club kot?! Dasatnyaaaaaaaaa.
Oh ya, ramai orang cakap tulisan orang kidal ni selalunya buruk sikit. Aku lah tuuuuu salah sorangnya~
But, I love the fact that I'm left-handed. Heeeeeeeee spesel lah sikit, nak pakai gunting pun susah -_- Peliknya sebab aku main badminton macam biasa, guna tangan kanan.
Eh, apa-apa je lah. Ni buat untuk hilangkan ngantuk je. Must continue studying, hihihi. I have four more papers, and cutiiiiiiiiiiiii! Lepas tu intersesi..k.
Bye :p
March 16, 2012
Maaf blog sebab selama ni mengabaikan awak :(
PS - Movie Azura tu tak best. Pi tengok nilai sendiri. Wakakaka
PS - Movie Azura tu tak best. Pi tengok nilai sendiri. Wakakaka
March 04, 2012
Serious thinking
Death is in Allah's hands. Kalau dah sampai ajal, waktu itu lah nyawa kita akan ditarik. Pernah terfikir tak sedang kita bersuka ria atau rasa tak sedap hati tiba-tiba terfikir pasal benda ni? We don't know when is our time, will it be when we're too leka dengan dunia, bergelak tak hingat atau do something useless? Just thinking of that, nowadays I tend to say the Kalimah Syahadah or zikr ke doa-doa yang aku tahu bila terasa something bad will happen or bila tiba-tiba terfikir 'This could be my only chance to say such things before I die'. Yap, that kind of feeling.
Honestly, I'm still very far from being a good Muslimah, not even close. Yet I'm struggling and it's not an easy thing to do. I know if we try slowly we'll find the right path and now I'm searching for it. Feeling that we'll die without enough Imaan, really scares me not as much as I did before.
...I'm hoping I'l find the right path, before I go and leave Dunya forever. :)
Nota Kecil
March 03, 2012
A Night Full of Joy and Laughter
I'm writing again in my blog! Wehuuuuuuuuuu. Itu pun sebab ada benda nak update X)
Now I'm home, for a few days before going back to college. Classes are over and now it's time to focus on final exam which will start on this 14th. Not ready for finals but can't wait for the exams to be over!
Ops. The main point of this entry is to update about a recent event which is the BBQ party. Partayyy ke? Wahaha. Akhirnya berjaya untuk buat satu event dan dapat berkumpul ramai-ramai satu kelas even ada beberapa orang yang tak dapat hadir, huu. All in all, it was a blast and we had fun. Kan? Before nak pergi rumah Naufal pun sangatlah drama, dengan hujan lebat, plan asal tak jadi (plan asal adalah untuk buat di kolej sahaja), kekangan masa dan sebagainya tapi everything went well at the end! I could see the face of joyness in every person, well I hope they enjoyed the night like I did. :)
Untuk cari hari seperti itu lagi, tak tahu bila sebab this is our last sem, intersession ada lagi tapi entah dapat kumpul lagi ke tak. Takpa, ada rezeki boleh buat lagi. We had fun sampai tak sedar dah almost midnight so tak dapat nak buat semua games, gitar dah bawak pun tak sempat nak main. :(
It's okay. Tengok gambar-gambar ni pun nampak yang semua orang hepi! Kenyang dan puasssssss. The food was, UMPHHH. Sodap :D So, macam biasa silalah enjoy the pictures, ada satu dua gambar yang saya curi ya.
Ok kamon!

Now I'm home, for a few days before going back to college. Classes are over and now it's time to focus on final exam which will start on this 14th. Not ready for finals but can't wait for the exams to be over!
Ops. The main point of this entry is to update about a recent event which is the BBQ party. Partayyy ke? Wahaha. Akhirnya berjaya untuk buat satu event dan dapat berkumpul ramai-ramai satu kelas even ada beberapa orang yang tak dapat hadir, huu. All in all, it was a blast and we had fun. Kan? Before nak pergi rumah Naufal pun sangatlah drama, dengan hujan lebat, plan asal tak jadi (plan asal adalah untuk buat di kolej sahaja), kekangan masa dan sebagainya tapi everything went well at the end! I could see the face of joyness in every person, well I hope they enjoyed the night like I did. :)
Untuk cari hari seperti itu lagi, tak tahu bila sebab this is our last sem, intersession ada lagi tapi entah dapat kumpul lagi ke tak. Takpa, ada rezeki boleh buat lagi. We had fun sampai tak sedar dah almost midnight so tak dapat nak buat semua games, gitar dah bawak pun tak sempat nak main. :(
It's okay. Tengok gambar-gambar ni pun nampak yang semua orang hepi! Kenyang dan puasssssss. The food was, UMPHHH. Sodap :D So, macam biasa silalah enjoy the pictures, ada satu dua gambar yang saya curi ya.
Ok kamon!
Acah-acah DJ
Tengok balik gambar ni. Rasa lapar balik. Dapnyeeeeeeeeeee
Amjad dan adik-adik Naufal! Yang pemalu. Ahaks.
Muka-muka pantang nampak kamera. Walaupun tengah makan.
Kitorang main game dare jugak. This is one of it, Ad kena melutut depan one guy dan dia pilih Babeng. Woot woot! 'Kau sangat hensem harini' Hahahahahahahaha. Dare yang lain pun osem! Semua orang sporting :D
Jengket dekat tingkap dapur. Ya bakal surirumah semua sedang menggoreng ayam dan menyediakan makanan. Nyummy!
Yey, berjaya bergambar dengan adik Naufal yang pemalu. Otomen!
Berjaya lagi X) Gaya otomen dan gaya apa entah. Tak dapat dikenal pasti
Kenapa bengang sangat muka tu?
Yeyyyyyyy! We had fun! Seronok! Best!
The End.
Gambar Mambar,
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